File 21

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"Everything that is, casts a shadow."
~Neil Gaiman



Mary turned to face Dorcas Meadows, "yes?"

"Well, do you know anything about James and Lily?" whispered Dorcas, quietly.

"No," Mary shook her head, "should I know something."

"No. No. No. I mean- if she told you something, we'd like to know."


"The team. We've been betting when they'll get back together. Or the more accurate one would be start dating."

"What? Am I missing something here?" asked Mary, a confused look on her face (poor thing. She didn't know what was going on).

"Oh... you don't know. This'll be fun!" said Dorcas, as she pulled out some popcorn.

"From where did you get that?"

"Shhh. Eat some popcorn and listen to this tale, young one."

"I'm younger than you in a year."


"Yes. Wait- what does that have to do with this so called tale?"

"Everything," lied Dorcas, smiling as she told the tale.

She told the tale that she was told. She told her that they meet before all this shit started happening, and way before Lily started to go into hiding. The fact that James was most probably going to ask her to be his girlfriend, but she suddenly disappeared. He looked for her and it was as if she left the face of the earth (they laughed at the thought of a cat answering the phone). They laughed (Mary might have cried a bit) and made theories about how might they get back together while making them the ship name Jily (unlike what Sirius suggested to Dorcas. Which was the ship name Lames, by the way) They even envisioned their wedding and the looks of their first child. They were acting like true fangirls who do that over two fictional characters they wanted to get together so bad in the book. All the while, Dorcas was smiling. One might assume she was smiling because of the tale, but she had other reasons. Ones that happened and ones that are soon to happen...



"Yes?" said Remus, as he looked up to meet the warm eyes of Alice Longbottom.

"What's wrong?" asked Alice.

"Nothing," lied Remus.

"Matters of the heart?" inquired Alice, knowing she was right.


"You've got this look in your eyes. Who is it?" asked Alice, not knowing this certain matter.

"Was," corrected Remus.

"Excuse me?"

"Emmeline," said Lily as she entered the room.

Alice looked at her, "Emmeline?"

"Emmeline, yes. My best friend was his girlfriend," sighed Lily, "and I'm guessing Frank didn't tell you?"

"No," Alice shook her head, "I'm so sorry, Remus."

"It's okay," said Remus.

"But you're not okay," stated Alice, which wasn't far from the truth.

"It's just..." tried Remus, but couldn't find the words.

"She was a light in dark times," filled in Lily.

"Yes," nodded Remus.

"And it seemed like she was always there, even if she was being idiotic and risking her life when she shouldn't. Like she had to solve the world's big mystery, but at the same time stay at home with her friends and family not knowing when the world would end. Her just being a wise idiot," Lily said in one breath.

Remus nodded.

"It'll hurt, I know it will, Remus," started Alice, "and I won't tell you everything will be fine. She was your girlfriend that your treasured and thanked every star on the sky for. I can't imagine myself in your position because I know I'd be breaking if that happens to Frank. Emotions are normal, Remus. You can't shed them away. Letting them flow now is easier than letting it get heavier. Why do you think the clouds rain? They let their emotions down when they know it's the right time. They don't hold it for a long time. What do you think would happen if the clouds kept all those tears in for a very long time and then finally let go? Earth would have probably just ended and became an ocean planet with new species other than humans."

"Unless humans, of course, discovered a way to breath underwater," smiled Lily.

"Of course," smiled back Alice.

"Thanks," said Remus, "but what thing still bothers me. It started bothering me ever since our first visit to her body."

"That there was no birthmark?" guessed Lily.

"Exactly. I mean, Emmeline has a birthmark on her right ankle, yet there was no birth mark on either ankle."

"I don't know, Remus. I really don't know," Lily said, shaking her head.

Before they could continue this discussion, Lily's phone beeped. Alerting her of a new message.

They saw Lily's face morph into one of minor shock before she looked at them and left, with only the explanation of, "I have to go."

"What was that about?" asked Alice.

Remus shrugged, not knowing what was that either.


The redhead opened the door of the office to be greeted by James Potter alone on his desk.

"How in the world did you get my phone number?"

"I've got my ways," smirked James, looking up at her.

At that moment, he forgot everything else and just focused on her beauty. He noticed that she didn't change much from the last time he saw her. Her hair was still red, although it was a bit longer. Her eyes were still the replicas of shinning emeralds that he remembers. Today, she was wearing a white knitted sweater with black leggings and her hair was pulled down into a low ponytail with a few strands framing her face. Despite the basic winter outfit, he thought she looked beautiful. Her lips were a bit fuller, and were moving. And he should probably pay attention before she smacked him into he next century.

"May you explain then why you want me out of all people here?"

"Because I need to talk."

"About what?"

"About-" before he could continue the door practically flung open that he was afraid it would break down, or maybe it was his mind imaging scenarios.

"Potter," nodded Vero.
Vero then noticed Lily and nodded to her too, "Miss Evans. Sorry if I was interrupting-"

"Get your head out of the gutter, Taapen," said Lily, "I just came to find out how he got my number."

"Probably blackmailed from the team who has your number," shrugged Vero.

"Potter, want to make this easier?" smiled Lily at him.

James smirked that smirk of his in response then turned to Vero, "Did you want something?"

"Can we talk? In private."

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