File 11

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"Very few of us are what we seem."
~Agatha Christie


Very few of us are what we seem. I quite agree with that quote because how are you to know who is lying and who is telling the truth. How do you know?

The happy ones could actually be sad. The smart ones could be trying to prove themselves. The shy ones could be shy for particular reasons.

The happy ones could have horrible pasts. The smart ones could be trying to make their parents proud. The shy ones could be going through things, either mentally or physically.

Never judge a book by its cover.

The suspicious one could actually be the helper of the good guys. One of the good guys may be the villain. The main suspect may be the true hero or the true villain.

The best of mystery tales leave you guessing.


She was walking around at her college.
That is until a cold hand grabbed and pulled her into a dark, in closed space.

By the looks of it, she concluded that it must be a janitor closet or a supply cupboard, due to the smallness and darkness of the place.

Good thing I'm not claustrophobic! She thought.

Unfortunately, the cold hand was still on her mouth, causing her screams to be muffled.

"You will not scream, or else," said a deep voice.

She couldn't put it in her mind if this was acting or real because of where she currently was.

Her captor took away its hand, "No screaming. Just like we practiced."

She thought, if he or she, or even they, used an acting term then that would mean they went to this university, right?



Her captor that night was watching her. It always was, just like a predator watches its prey.

It once told her to come somewhere and she did...

"Why am I here?"

"Because I need insight," they said, like a snake.

Their voice changes every single damn time, is what she concluded after three meetings with the captor.


Her thoughts were swimming in her mind. The events that happened before. The current situation they were in. Everything.

She was currently holding two light books and her lunch walking inside of Headquarters, wanting to reach the common lunchroom area. Also known as the place that supplied coffee.

On her way there, she bumped into someone due to both of them and their lack of focus on their surroundings.

"I'm sorry," they both said at the same time.

"You okay?" said the person she bumped into.

"Yeah, I'm fine," she said.

She grabbed the books her bumper was handing her. The same books and lunch, that was thankfully in a container, that fell from her, "Thanks, Lily."

"Of course."

With that, she left the redhead alone and continued moving forward to her destination.

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