File 30

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"Whatever hysteria exists is inflamed by mystery, suspicion and secrecy. Hard and exact facts will cool it."
~Elia Kazan


Kaisley Vance and Bellatrix Black were quite a duo, don't you agree? Let's not get on the romantic side, at this moment. I, and only I, know when that'll happen in this story. Who knows, maybe it'll never happen in this story. Oh right, I do know the sequence of this story meaning I know if they get together. Anyway, back to the girl duo who might be or might not be on a lead here...

"We have to see the body!" said Bellatrix..

"How, Bellatrix? It's guarded and we need a detective with us to have access," said Kaisley.

Now, let me tell you somethings. Bellatrix Black was the outgoing girl, but had her own secrets hidden in those startling grey eyes. Kaisley Vance was the reasoning, yet sarcastic girl. They were different, but were puzzle pieces to each other, don't you think?

"We can take James!" said Bellatrix.

"Doesn't that seem a bit suspicious?" asked Kaisley.

"We can take my own goddamn brother, Sirius!" exclaimed Bellatrix.

"And how would we explain that to him?" said Kaisley.

Bellatrix had to admit to herself that Kaisley was definitely not wrong. You have to explain something to Sirius Black for him to understand, but if it was to blow up a building or stab a homophobic person he'd just ask "your house or mine?".

"Remus!" exclaimed Bellatrix.

"What?" asked not Kaisley, but Remus Lupin (who was walking behind Kaisley with a cup of coffee).

Kaisley had wide eyes on and turned around to be face to face with Remus Lupin, her dead or not dead sister's boyfriend.

"Can we see the body?" asked Bellatrix straightforward.

"Bellatrix!" said Kaisley just like mother with a child who has done something outrageous.

"I'm tired, and I trust you two. I'll get my car keys and we will go," said Remus.

"Aren't you not suppose to drive when you are tired?" inquired Bellatrix, not wanting to ask a different question that can take away this opportunity.

"I'm assuming you have your driver's license?" Remus asked Kaisley.

She pulled out a driver's license from the cover of her phone and showed it to him, "Yes, I do."

"Good. Don't make me regret it," said Remus as he walked away to grab his car keys.

"That was easy. Can you make the drive hell?" Bellatrix asked Kaisley.

Kaisley just looked at her and glared.

"I saw an opportunity, so I took it!" defended Bellatrix before she ran for her life with Kaisley behind her.


"Okay," said Remus as he opened his car's door and sat on the passenger's seat (otherwise known as shot gun that Bellatrix wanted, but was denied from).

"I don't know the instructions, so if you don't give me clear instructions I won't be afraid to crash us into a tree," said Kaisley.

Remus laughed and handed her the key. When he saw her serious expression, he stopped laughing.

"Don't underestimate me," said Kaisley as she started the car.

You may be wondering what was going on in Remus's head as he put on his seatbelt and clutched the top handle of the car...

Please don't make today my death day.


"Here we are," said Kaisley as she parked.

Bellatrix just looked up at the building silently while Remus breathed, "I did not die today."

"You honestly thought I was a bad driver?" asked Kaisley Vance.

"You are Kaisley Vance. I think that itself says enough," said Remus as he stopped clutching the car and opened the door to get out.

They all got out and started walking to the building when two FBIs, who were twins by the way, stopped them.

"ID," said Gideon Prewitt and Fabian Prewitt simultaneously.

"You know me, you two," said Remus obviously.

"No ID..." said Gideon.

"No pass," continued Fabian.

Remus pulled out his ID and showed it to the twin FBI.

They moved aside and let him enter.

"Those two with you?" asked Fabian as Gideon pointed his thumb at Kaisley and Bellatrix.

"Yes," nodded Remus.

The twins let Kaisley and Bellatrix pass.

For a farewell, they told Kaisley, "We are sorry for your loss."

Kaisley just nodded and moved forward with the other two.

Access accepted.


They were at the body. This could be a lead and it also could not be a lead. This could mean process, but it can also not mean process. People may die and people may not die. I'm kidding! There is no dying or near death experiences!


"Where is the body?" asked Kaisley.
From her voice, you can know that she sounds terrified.

Remus pointed to the covered table in the middle of the room. It was covered with a medical blue cover that made Kaisley a bit sick. She was going to see her sister's body. She was going to see her dead sister's body. She wasn't ready for this and Bellatrix Black could feel it. Bellatrix has been in Drama for a long time to know the difference between real emotions and acting emotions. Therefore, the emotions she was seeing from Kaisley were real hence why she went to hold her hand tightly.

Kaisley looked at the reassuring hand that was holding her then traced the arm with her eyes to the reassuring face of Bellatrix Black. All of that was enough reassurance for Kaisley that she was not alone and that she had someone with her.

Both girls moved forward until they reached the covered table in the middle of the room. You can say everything depended in this moment, but if this moment didn't there were other ways for the universe to make the outcome of the story come alive.

Kaisley's shaking hand started moving to removed the covers. After minutes of silence and tension, and help from Bellatrix, the covers were on the floor and the body was staring them in the eye.

Kaisley felt like throwing up, but she stood up, swallowed her own spit and started inspecting it like a fierce warrior (which she was, no doubt).

She noticed that neither ankle had any birthmark, "Where is the birthmark? Is it covered with makeup?"

"We never found a birthmark on her right ankle," stated Remus.

Kaisley moved to the right ankle and rubbed it. Nothing was coming off. There simply wasn't anything to hide from the beginning.

Kaisley took a moment to process this. Suddenly, as if a light bulb appeared, everything was clearer. She could be wrong, but she could also be right. She had to say, and she did...

"Then, this is not Emmeline."

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