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"Travel and tell no one, live a true love story and tell no one, live happily and tell no one, people ruin beautiful things."
~Kahlil Gibran


Emmeline Vance: Dead or Not?
Rumors are spreading that the famous, brand new singer, Emmeline Vance, might not be dead. People are saying she might have been kidnapped because of her fame. Others say there are other reasons for a person to be kidnapped. Maybe Emmeline Vance is walking right in front of us with a disguise. Has fame brought to much work and effort on this singer making her fake her own death? Has she lied to us? Or is it much deeper than this?

Alice came into Headquarters with a box of fresh cookies and three copies of that horrible newspaper. She wanted to see how the case was going while she hoped that her husband wasn't too stressed. She knew he worked hard and did an amazing job, but sometimes she can't help but worry about him.

"Hey, Al," said her husband, as he greeted her on the stairs of Headquarters.

"Hello," said Alice, as she kissed his check.

"Didn't expect you here."

"What, don't want you wife here?"

"No! It's just, it's really messed up... and-"

He was interrupted by Alice laughing, "It's okay. I'm just playing with you, Frank."

"So, what brings you here?" smiled Frank, as he asked his wife.

"Got some big, unpleasant news," she said, showing the newspaper and felt her gut drop as her husband's smile fell.


Emmeline Vance: Dead or Not?
Rumors are spreading that the famous, brand new singer, Emmeline Vance, might not be dead. People are saying she might have been kidnapped because of her fame. Others say there are other reasons for a person to be kidnapped. Maybe Emmeline Vance is walking right in front of us with a disguise. Has fame brought to much work and effort on this singer making her fake her own death? Has she lied to us? Or is it much deeper than this?


"I know."

"How did they know. The detectives didn't tell them did they? We aren't sure!" said Lily quickly.

"I know, I know," said Mary, "how did the Daily Prophet know is beyond me."

There was a knock at Lily's door.


"Lily? Mary?" asked them a kind face as she opened the door.

The girls looked at each other, sending a message with their eyes and then nodded unsurely to the lady at the door.

"I'm Alice Longbottom."

"Any relation to Frank Longbottom, the Head Detective?" asked Lily curiously.

"Yes. His wife, actually."

"Congratulations?" said Mary to the silence, but it sounded more of a question.


You know those awkward moments were people just don't know what to talk about. I like to thing it's happens at least more than once a year for the lifespan of a human being.

"They wanted me to get you to the office. There are homemade cookies, too."

"There going to finish it before we reach there," reasoned Mary.

"That's why I have the box with me right here," said Alice, revealing and patting the box lightly.

"What kind?"

"The best obviously. Milk chocolate chip cookies," smiled Alice.

"We're in and coming."

"Plus, we think we may like you."

"I may like you, too," smiled Alice.

"Us being suspects doesn't... creep you out?"

"Oh honey, no. I'm the one who always trusts her guts."

"And what do your guts say?"

"That not one of you two is the actual murderer."


Emmeline Vance: Dead or Not?
Rumors are spreading that the famous, brand new singer, Emmeline Vance, might not be dead. People are saying she might have been kidnapped because of her fame. Others say there are other reasons for a person to be kidnapped. Maybe Emmeline Vance is walking right in front of us with a disguise. Has fame brought to much work and effort on this singer making her fake her own death? Has she lied to us? Or is it much deeper than this?

"What is this?" asked James, pointing at the horrible newspaper in front of him.

"Today's newspaper, apparently," answered Frank mournfully.

"Are they shitting me?" said Remus.

"Who wrote this?" asked Sirius.

"It could be anyone," reasoned Vero.

"Well, I'm Sirius Black, and I'm finding who wrote this piece of shit."

With that left Sirius Black and in came in three girls. The oldest, a 29-year-old woman with short brown, wavy hair with a smiling face was Alice Longbottom. She was wearing a long skirt with a white sweater and she was holding the box of fresh homemade cookies. On her right was Mary Macdonald, with her short, straight brown hair wearing a light blue sweater with black leather pants. On Alice's left was Lily Evans, with her red hair pulled into a side braid - courtesy of Mary being bored while her laptop charges - wearing an emerald green sweatshirt that matched her eyes and black jeans.

"Any gut feelings about those two, Alice?" asked Frank, in a joking matter not expecting his wife to actually answer.

"My gut tells me they are not supposed to be suspects," said Alice.

"Bullshit!" said Sirius as he entered the room, not paying attention to the new crowd of girls.

"Are you saying that to my wife, Black?" asked Frank threateningly with one eye brow raised.

"What?" Sirius asked before he looked back and noticed the crowd of newcomers, "Hi. No, I was not referring to your wife, Frankie. Guess who turned out to be the writer of all those articles since the start?"

"Who?" asked Vero.

"Taapen, why did I ask you to guess? Obviously, I want you to guess."

"Uhhhh... I don't know?"

Sirius sighed frustrated, "Rita Skeeter."

"No wonder it was that bitch," muttered Lily, as she took an offered cookie from Alice.

"Calm down, Evans," said James as he took a cookie, "We just have to find a way to leave the Daily Prophet out of this mess."

"That's not our biggest problem, Potter."

"She's right. Plus, the Daily Prophet has some of our questions down," said Remus.

"Which are?"

"Could Emmeline have been kidnapped?"

"Did your girlfriend fake her death?" muttered Sirius.

"She's not like that, Padfoot!" stood up Remus.

"How do we-"

"Enough!" came the shout of order from the Head's wife, Alice Longbottom.

"That's not your biggest question and thank God it's not written on the Daily Prophet."

"And what would that question be, Alice?"

"If that wasn't Emmeline's body... than whose was it?"

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