Chapter 33: Kuro II

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I love Todoroki. I promise. I just think he's a huge idiot. And a brat. I also think he's a brat. But he's my brat so it's okay. Don't get mad at me for this chapter? Please? By the way, I'm not going to write Izuku and Todo's fight because I think I can write the aftermath and be happier with that. I might just be lazy, but I'm so tired that my eyes are crossing right now and I have, like, three other fics that I have to finish writing chapters for, so back off. Speaking of: I'm writing a new one-shot for a different fandom. Any of you like Rise of the Guardians? Well it's my favorite Christmas movie so here's a little late Christmas present. Think of it as an apology for being gone so much. My mental health is deteriorating by the minute and fan fiction is the only thing holding me up at the moment.


The rest of the matches passed slowly. His classmates and people from other classes fighting with everything they had. Izuku took mental notes of each of them, storing the information away to be written down later in his notebooks.

Honestly, he was kinda bored.

He could analyze his classmates later, he needed a breather to prepare himself for his next match.

"I'll be right back," He said to the tense Iida sitting next to him. Iida's match was next, so him being nervous was understandable.

"Where are you going?" The boy inquired.

"No where. Save my spot, yeah?"

"Wait, Akiro!" Iida tried shouting after him, but he was already out the door and heading left.

Todoroki needed help. He could see it in his eyes. The kind of anger and spite that veiled his face wasn't the kind to just be there for no reason. It came from a deep rooted hatred. Izuku would know, he saw it every time he looked in the mirror.

He walked down the hall lost in his thoughts, looking down at the ground while coming up with ways to get through to Todoroki. He obviously hated his father, and for good reason. Izuku hated his father, but that was because he left and never came back. Todoroki hated his father because the bastard was an abusive piece of shit. Izuku had known that Endeavor sucked, but this was a whole new level that he didn't even know was possible.

But a part of him was still pissed off with the other boy. To refuse to use a Quirk just because of that? Didn't he see that he was only proving that Endeavor had control over him? All he was doing in Izuku's mind was being a selfish little brat.

The intercom called the end of the last fight and a fifteen minute intermission, but Izuku was lost in thoughts. He ran headfirst into a broad chest and his head snapped up, moving a foot behind him to stabilize himself. When he looked up he was met with the blazing red gaze of the one person he used to know so well.


Izuku froze and so did the blonde. Bakugo looked at him in surprise, before shifting to a guarded expression. "Hey."

"Hey," Izuku responded. "What are you doing in the hallway? Isn't your match up soon?"

"I could ask you the same thing, nerd." Bakugo's expression was calculating and thoughtful, as if reading him.

Izuku's heart leapt in his chest at the name. Insult? His eyes widened a fraction, but that was all he gave as a reaction. "I needed some air. You?" It was strange. He was actually having a conversation with Bakugo and the blonde wasn't trying to blow him up. Now that he thought about it. Bakugo was definitely more subdued nowadays. It was a welcome change, but Izuku had to guess where it had come from, and he could only make one assumption.

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