Chapter 40: Struck Flames II

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Well. Here we are. The last chapter. Fucking finally. This took so long to do. It's weird that I started this fic like three years ago. That's actually crazy.

The main reason it took so long to do is mostly because I'm in a different fandom now and bnha isn't my hyperfixation anymore. I still like bnha, I just can't devote as much energy as I used to. It's still interesting for me to go back and reread my old writing because it really shows me how much I've progressed. If you read chapter 1 of this fic and then go on you might see it too.

Also, dear children, I can't believe I have to do this but it seems we've all forgotten our manners when given the internet. Rules still apply even online. If you don't have anything nice to say, don't say anything at all. Treat others the way you want to be treated. All that bullshit. I'm not afraid to block people. Even 12 year olds that steal their mommies phones.

If you don't like how a story is, all you have to do is click off. No need to be an ass with you're unmonitored cell phone use. There are still people on the other side of the screen. Just because you can't see them, doesn't mean your words don't matter.

Anyway, enjoy!


The chain of a necklace sat cool against his nape, a chill sent down his spine. The green and black pendant went well with his hoodie, he thought. It used to be his mothers. He hadn't realized until he grabbed it and put it on.

Pangs in his chest felt like knives as he looked around at what had happened to his old home in the time he's been gone.

It had been reorganized, and the inside was remodeled into what resembled an arena. It was mostly empty, with only a few stragglers hanging around burning trash barrels.

At least he had something of his mom's. A forgotten old piece of jewelry that had been shoved into the cushion of a car seat.

If he was a man of faith, he would have thought it was fate.

But there were no gods in this warehouse. Not today.

Izuku let himself be led by the man behind him, pushing out the pain of his wrists. The air was cold and stole all the warmth from his bones, and the chilly concrete seeped into his feet.

Hisashi walked ahead of him, an air of authority even as he stood out amongst the grime and filth. His suit still neatly pressed and clean.

He could see his shiny black shoes and envied how he could walk without checking for stones.

He still wanted to scratch his eyes out.

But he was far past caring anymore.

Iroen didn't seem to believe so, his grip still as tight as ever. At least his hands were warm. Izuku was so unbearably cold.

Maybe they would grant him one mercy, and make it quick.


Sitting in the warm crowded room of the security office, Nezu clicked through the previous nights footage. Inui, Tsukauchi, and Aizawa stood behind him, and he had to hold back the urge to snap at them to move away. The security officer leaned against the doorway, very obviously stifling his third yawn.

It was humid inside the room with three others leaning over him and breathing down his neck, and the LED lights from the computer screens were beginning to hurt his eyes, the ache slowly building at his temple.

He didn't complain, though. He had a mission to do.

Besides, if his eyes were beginning to hurt, then Aizawa's must be killing him.

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