Chapter 3: Determination

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All Might still felt guilty for what he had told the young boy on the roof. He hadn't realized how much determination and strength the boy really had until said by was running out to save the hostage in the Slime incident.

He saw what had happened to the boys apartment when he had followed him and what seemed to be his classmate after they took off running. That was supposed to be the time he was going to tell the boy that he had made a mistake earlier.

Now as he stared at the ruins of the boy's old home he again felt that he could a worthy successor when he watched him try in run in to save his mother.

All Might walked his way towards the Police Station where Tsukauchi worked. He recalled the detective had taken him there.

Although, when he got there he saw cops running and Tsukauchi shouting orders. He walked up to his friend and asked him where the boy was.

His metaphorical stomach dropped.

"Toshinori, the kid woke up and bolted out the window of my office while we were outside. I guess he must've heard us talking about him going into the system"

"Are you going to look for him?"

"Yeah, were going to need some help, he ran last night before the sun went down"

"I was thinking of making him my successor," All Might looked down.

The detective's eyes went wide and he quickly turned back to his team with a serious look, "Alright quickly people we have to find this kid and quick."

Meanwhile a certain green headed boy sat in an alley with a torn, burnt, and dirty school uniform holding a burnt notebook in his chest protectively as he slumped against the wall, asleep.

His eyes opened and he looked around for a second not knowing where he was before realization hit him and his eyes went dull again with grief.

"Mom..." Izuku brought his legs up to his chest and hugged them, new tears staining his already stained cheeks. The reality that he was now homeless and alone set in as his shoulders shook.

Where was he gonna go?

Memories that he once hadn't thought of as important flashed through his mind in his mourning.

Times when he'd help his mother cook dinner and they'd laugh about something her coworker did during her shift at the hospital. Her coworkers were always up to some type of shenanigans.

The occasional times she'd come into his room to give him his lunch and help him with his hero notes to the best of her ability, even though she didn't know much about heroes, and then help him learn how to organize the notes better.

When she'd find him asleep at his desk over a notebook late at night and tuck him into bed, pulling the covers over him, snuggly and warming, and kiss his forehead gently while she whispered goodnight to the half awake boy.

Those times would never happen again. He'd never see his mother again. She was gone, and so were his dreams.

Then a thought came to him.

It was then that a new a feeling came over Izuku Midoriya. He knew that police wouldn't care that much if he disappeared, nor would anyone else to be précis.

Rage filled a small corner of his heart. A certain feeling he didn't get a lot, but now suddenly had a lot of. Something in him had snapped.

He would find whoever did this to his mother. No matter what the cost was to himself.

A new determination filled his eyes with hope and and anger. He had never wanted anyone to be hurt the way he was.

So he couldn't be a hero?

Who said he couldn't be something different?

Hey guys!
I'm SO SO sorry this was so late!
I just haven't had as much determination to work on this book as I did with my other one and have been working on my other book lately.
The other book is almost at the climax so I've been working overdrive.
I know it's short but I knew I had to post something!
But Deku won't be gone for long I promise!
He'll be back soon and he'll kick ass and take names!
Anyway thank you so much for your patience and support!
Thanks for reading!
See ya soon, Bye!

(739 words)

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