Chapter 12: Letters

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Hey guys~
So rumor has it that there's a guy going around Wattpad and sending messages to people. It's a lot like the momo challenge that happened a few year ago.
The guy will ask you to play a game and hurt yourself and in the end you have to kill yourself or he'll hurt your family.
If you do end up getting messages from a person like this then you should report and block him immediately. Do NOT reply to him.
This is for all of your safety and I hope you guys stay safe and happy~🙂
With that being said,

Enjoy the new chapter!

"What do you mean "The kid doesn't have a medical file"?" Shouta shouted on the phone to the person on the other line.

"We did some digging like you wanted us to. There was some information that checked out and nothing looked too overly suspicious, but when we dug a little deeper we didn't find anything relating to a medical history. Not even a check up since he was four," Detective Tsukauchi said.

Red flags were popping up more and more when he learned about this kid.

"Judging from the dated times of these files, and how some of the only information missing requires certain government access, Esu Akiro only lives on paper and was born basically six months ago," Tsukauchi continued.

"What should we do, Tsukauchi?" Shouta asked.

"I say you can do one of two things: Bring him to the station where I could do an interview with him. Or just keep watch of him and see what happens. Most answers become clearer with time," The detective said.

Shouta didn't want to agree but he knew that the detective was right. He'd get more answers if he observed the boy from afar.

"You're right. If it gets too serious I'll take him down to the station. For now I'll just watch him," He said.

"Good luck, Eraser," Detective Tsukauchi said before hanging up the phone.

He was going to need a lot of painkillers for this. The headaches were going to horrendous.


Shinko ran across the rooftops looking for trouble as always.

He'd gotten connected to Kuro's support dealer and was recently offered a better suit. He upgraded to a skintight black jumpsuit that was made of spandex. It went down his legs and arms and had a high neck. It was fireproof and resilient in many ways. Over it he wore a dark green hoodie with inside pockets. The hood covered his black hair and a black face mask was strapped to his face, covering his features. He wore green shorts that held his utility belt. The belt had pockets for medical supplies, knives, and small gadgets and toys. There were also two holsters for metal escrima rods that attached into a large staff.

Shinko had been training a lot with different weapons, and while he wasn't a complete master, he wasn't a noob with no experience.

Kuro was the one who leant him weapons to train with. She said she could make do with out them as she had her bow and Droplet had her katanas.

Right now, he was trying to take his mind off of the increasing anxiety of his acceptance letter that had yet to come. He was confident that he'd passed the written portion and would at least get into Gen. Ed. but he still wanted to make it into the hero course.

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