Chapter 11: Breath is Valuable

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Izuku sat in the auditorium in the back of the room with bags under his eyes. He stayed out pretty late last night.

He looked around at the people in front of him, scanning the heads of the kids around him. There was a nice girl that tired to help him outside when he nearly tripped. He had caught himself in time and it made an awkward situation and he wondered vaguely if she was in the room too.

Tapping his foot impatiently, he waited for whoever was going to explain the exam to them to come out.

He was a bit nervous, but he'd never admit it out loud.

Kuro has insisted that she and her partner teach him some techniques as a vigilante to vigilante favor and if he thought that Kuro was merciless in her training, the two of them combined was hell.

Still, he couldn't thank the two enough. They'd done so much for him and he promised he'd repay the favor soon.

Present Mic eventually came out through a door and onto the stage. Izuku tapped his foot more, impatient to to show off what he'd learned.


Now, Izuku knew that he didn't want to draw any attention to himself that would replicate what happened to him in middle school, but hearing the deafening silence after Present Mic was trying to encourage them made him a little angry at his fellow competitors. Plus, He'd run into Present Mic once on patrol. The guy, despite trying to catch him, was really fun to be around, so to raise the voice hero's mood, "Yeah!!!"

Present Mic beamed with joy, he assumed it was because not a lot of people ever shouted back before. The voice hero smiled and pointed at Izuku, "I like your energy, Little Listener! I got my eye on you!"

A lot of people turned around and gave him a few glares. Izuku just shrugged and returned them.

"Like your applications said, today you rockin boys and girls will be out there conducting ten minute mock battles in super suburban settings! Okay Okay, lets check out your types. There are three types of villains in each battle center. You'll earn points based on their level of difficulty! So choose wisely. Your goal in this trial is to use your Quirk to raise your score by treading these foe villains like a guitar solo!"

He couldn't help but cringe when he said ito use Quirks. He knew very well that he could pass the test easily, but the fact that he was telling the others to rely on their Quirks and not fighting skills made him upset, not like he'd show it on his face though.

"Excuse me sir! But you only explained three of the four villains that are shown on the pamphlet. If this is a mistake on UA's part then I must say that is very unprofessional and shameful," Some kid with blue hair, who he quickly identified as an Iida, stood up and pointed a finger at Present Mic.

"Well that's a little rude. Calm down, buddy," Izuku thought.

"And you with the unruly black hair! You've been tapping your foot and muttering this whole time and being obnoxious! If you don't care enough to take this seriously then I suggest you leave, you're distracting others!"

Izuku was pissed off.

He decided that now was the time he use one of the first things that Kuro taught him: when someone is being a dick. Let out a feeling of complete bloodlust, then smile ever so calmly and be the sassiest and cheekiest person in the room. It always shuts them up.

Very subtly, he stared down on the blue haired teen with a malicious aura capturing the attention and breath of everyone in the announcement hall. It was dead quiet and not a whisper was being made. He vaguely saw Present Mic break into a nervous sweat. Iida looked a little uncomfortable now that Izuku was staring into his soul.

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