Chapter 10: Chess

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It was about 11:54pm and the entrance exams were tomorrow and Nezu thought he should be getting home and resting, but he was very preoccupied with a certain game he was playing.

Your move

He moved his queen across the board and put his opponent into check. He waited for about 3 minutes before his opponent moved their knight and took his queen.

"I didn't even see that one coming," He whispered to himself in a laugh.

This went on for a few minutes before in bright colors the screen lit up.

You Lose!

He chuckled and clicked out of the game onto the Skype chat.

Good Job Shinko! You beat me again!

He had recently discovered Shinko on a chess site and decided to play a few matches with him. He knew from Aizawa's previous reports that the vigilante was Quirkless, but if he didn't he would've thought he had some kind of intelligence Quirk like him.

After that he decided to message him and the two just instantly clicked. The vigilante was quite cheeky and also would inquire Nezu about many things, ranging from Quirks (he found out that the vigilante had a certain love for Quirks) to cases that police force were working on that interested him.

I won? Holy shit I won again!!!
Are you letting me win? I feel like you are!:(

Why would you think that? It would be disrespectful of me to go easy on someone.

Nezu quickly found out that Shinko didn't really have that much self-esteem. He figured that it was natural, seeing as he was Quirkless. Nezu knew what it was like to be discriminated against and put down for how you were born.

Can we play again?

Shouldn't you be resting Shinko?
It's late, and kids like you need your rest.

Damn, I knew that little fate meet with Scarfs
was going to bite me in the ass
What did he say about me that gave you the impression I was a kid?
Did he say anything bad?

Just that you dodged his scarf and flung him like a rag doll with his own capture weapon and that you looked to be as old as a middle schooler. Other than that I think he was impressed.

I impressed him?
Btw, I have a question.

Shinko would often ask him questions about certain Quirks that he comes across and the two would talk about them.

Although, any Quirk that Nezu brought up that was fire related either got two reactions from the vigilante. Either he would be dead serious and ask Nezu many questions about said Quirk, or if the Quirk didn't match something that Shinko thought it would, he would drop the topic entirely and not want to talk about it anymore.

He found it strange, but also intriguing. He never saw the vigilante so serious than he was when Nezu brought up a certain fire Quirk that appeared to be blue.

He'd asked because there had been a few wild flames that happened to be an aqua blue, and killed many people. He asked Shinko what his take was on it because of his obvious deductive skills, but the moment he mentioned fire, the vigilante was serious and asking questions like an interrogator.

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