Chapter 30: Awkward Conversation

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Am I skipping the first and second part of the festival? Yes. It's pretty much the same as in cannon, except with a far more petty and sarcastic Izuku. Also, the part where Izuku uses OfA in the cavalry battle to put out Todoroki's fire is switched to Izuku just slapping his arm like a child. Because I think It's funny as hell. There will be more scenes with Bakugo because I really want to nail it in and finally write about Bakugo finding out about Izuku. So that's coming soon.
By the way, I just got my mom to knit me a blanket with the bisexual colors without her even realizing it. It's soft as hell and it's even better knowing I'm not out yet.
Guys. We're at 35k views and 2k votes. I love you all so much! Thank you! I can't even think of anything else to say.
You're all amazing.

Anyway, enjoy~

Izuku fell against the grass of the stadium with a gasp for breath. He had the wind knocked out of him at the end of the cavalry battle. All in all, he was proud that he'd been able to put out Todoroki's fire by slapping his arm.

Tokoyami was the real VIP of the event. He was the one who won them their place in the final event.

Speaking of, he should probably thank him. But after he gets his breath back and his hand stops hurting. Maybe he should go to Recovery Girl for the burn. He heard that burns only get worse the longer it takes to get them checked.

Izuku opens his eyes to look at the blue sky above him. It's a cloudless day, he notes. The sun is out and beating on all of their skins. Most of the students have taken off their jackets to show their tank tops or sports bras under, but Izuku keeps his on. If only for the fact that he wants to hide his shoulders. They still stung.

"Akiro," He hears. Izuku opens his eyes to see Ururaka standing over him and he sits up to see her better.

"Yeah Ururaka?" He asked as he got to his feet.

"I just wanted to thank you for the plan you made," She said.

"Yeah! Thanks boss man!" Hatsumi yelled from a few feet away. One look over and he could see her immediately working on fixing her broken gravitational boots.

"I also wanted to ask why Todoroki is staring at you? Is it about what he said in the waiting room? It's kinda creepy. He's looking at you right now," She said.

Wonderful. Looks like he had a stalker now.

Izuku hummed in agreement before patting himself off. He desperately needed a shower. "Well, I'm gonna go and eat my lunch so I don't die in the arena. Though, that would make for interesting viewing entertainment," He said the last part in a mumble.

Ururaka looked disturbed.

"Alright, see you later. Good job with cavalry battle! You really helped out a lot. Good luck with your fights," Izuku said as he made his way to the lunch room.

Ururaka was left dumbfounded and concerned, looking around for someone to explain why that had gone so quick. Eventually Izuku found the lunch room (Seriously Nezu, how big did this stadium have to be?!) and set out through the crowd of students to get his lunch.

People gave him dirty looks from the corner of his eye, but Izuku just stared at them. It often made people uncomfortable enough to look away.

He settled with a simple bowl of rice and a soda. Lunch Rush looked confused when he asked for it, but nonetheless gave it to him. It was easy to tell no one wanted to sit with him either, except for a few of his classmates, but Izuku would rather be alone anyway.

And he was alone. In sweet blissful silence in the corner of the lunch room. Well that was until he heard a throat clear behind him.


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