Chapter 9: Phone Call

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Damnit! Izuku thought as he threw his notes to the floor.

Kuro apparently had a good friend who was good at hacking and he'd asked her for a favor, if she could hack the police files to see what leads they had on who started fire.

The trail had run cold.

Izuku was getting pretty good at analyzing and solving cases quickly but she still couldn't find any clues as to where they went or who they are.

He was running out of patience.

The now black haired boy sighed and bent down to pick up his papers.

After sorting them through again he set them back in the desk drawer and sat back down, slouched with his head back.

I can think about all of this later, for now I need to get ready. The entrance exams are in a week, He thought. Izuku had submitted his application to UA and his request for certain items to use a month ago after finishing his file. He'd worked up money to pay Kuro's friend to hack again (He knew they needed money too, they couldn't just do it for free every time) and submit all the information he made up into files.

He hoped he was descriptive enough for her to know everything he needed to set.

Being the paranoid kid he was, he looked over his notes again to see if there was anything he missed.

Oh no.

There was.

There was a small insight he forgot to mention to Kuro's partner and now it wasn't in his file. He tried to set it aside and relax. No one could really notice the mistakes unless they were being very thorough and snoopy.

He assured himself that it would be fine.

He'd be fine.

It didn't matter that he didn't have a birth certificate in the legal system.

Though, he did make a mental note to be more descriptive next time. He didn't trust his hacking skills and it was too late to change anything. (plus it had been super hard to ask Kuro's friend anyway because of how elusive Kuro was. It was almost stupid how hard it was to find them.)

The exams were in a week, he needed to prepare.

Getting up from his chair, he walked over to the pile of dirty and ripped clothes and pulled out a black sweatshirt and pulled it over his plain white (super stained) shirt and walked out of the warehouse towards the library.

He checked in under his fake name and went to the back where all the books were, pulling a few out and going to an empty room. He studied for what seemed like hours until leaving the library and going "home".

He was hopefully going to be patrolling with Kuro that night. He would bring it up with her then, but he knew that there wasn't much she or her partner could do.

This week was going to be extremely long.


It was getting late outside and the sun had already set as Nezu was still sitting in his office.

He was looking over the applications for this year's entrance exams. At that point he'd seen many interesting Quirks. He had high hope for this years first years.

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