Chapter 22: Bullets Blazing

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Walking back to the warehouse took longer than using the normal train. Izuku had a routine that he sticked to when it came to traveling around. He took the train to school in the morning after walking in a circle to the train station and he always walked back on foot.

Taking the back street alleys and going in a circle once or twice to make sure no one was following him. He never took the same route twice.

Call him paranoid, but the thought of someone finding out where he lives irked him. Even knowing that Eraserhead knew that he sometimes spent his time there made him antsy.

Izuku would probably have to move locations soon.

He made it out of the alleys and onto the black concrete of the warehouse parking lots. It was already late and the street lights illuminated the area eerily. Taking a quick look around, he slipped through the back door and into the safety of his makeshift home.

The urge to turn the power on hit him but he refused and instead used the light from the moon coming through the high windows to make his way around.

His homework was child's play to finish as he sat back at the long desk and stuffed the books back into his backpack. It was finally time.

Changing in the dark was simple and before he knew it he was free running the rooftops. His hair was newly dyed black and the smell rubbed off on the black hoodie. The smell brought this sort of high to him that he couldn't really explain. It wasn't necessarily a bad scent, but it wasn't a good one either.

It did make him want to be active though.

He flipped over another alleyway and onto the next building. Free running was getting easier and easier to do now that he was out more. He hardly ever tripped anymore.

After about an hour of running and ending a few fights or muggings, he decided to take a break.

The last few days have been.... stressful, to say the least.

Shinko took a deep breath and closed his eyes, letting the nightly city noise fill the painful silence. The wind blew softly, bringing the spring air to a chill that made him shiver slightly. Maybe he should wear more layers under his hoodie?

The lights of the city reached high up to the taller rooftops, lighting the footways he could take.

When had this become the norm?

When had being out so late at dangerous heights become relaxing?

It didn't really matter, did it? All that mattered was that he was helping people.

A cry for help rang through the streets, cutting through the car noises like a knife. Someone was in trouble.

Here we go.


This had been a horrible idea. His thoughts tormented him with other options he could've taken. Things he could've done to prevent this from happening. But there was nothing.

Shinko leaned against the wall of the alley holding his side gingerly. The woman he'd helped had run off after he'd arrived, so he didn't need to worry about her safety. The criminal that had tried to kidnap said woman laid on the ground at his feet unconscious.

Even though Shinko thought he had the fight in his favor, the guy still managed to pull a gun on him.

The cheater.

His breathing was labored and he was starting to get dizzy from the lack of blood. He eyed the gun that sat by the wall harmlessly as he knelt down and pulled some zip ties from his pocket and restrained the man's hands and ankles. He left a prewritten sticky note on his jacket and signaled the detective of the criminals whereabouts.

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