Chapter 16: Connections and Puzzle Pieces

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Trigger warning. Mentions of Suicide Baiting in this chapter. Please don't read if you know it'll only hurt you.

Of course All Might put him against Bakugo on the same day he called him out as an Izuku lookalike.

He silently glared at the man, wanting to flip him off but deciding that glares were all he'd get away with. Izuku found out he was paired with that girl, Ururaka. He found it strange that they kept meeting each other.

She was cute, he had to admit it, but he didn't really like girls anyway. He had too much on his plate anyway to date someone so he didn't find interest with anyone from his class.

The girl did seem to like him, though, but he doubted that it was in a romantic way.

Izuku pulled his bo staff out and held it in front of him, readying himself. He'd finally gotten to get a real costume from the support department. He liked the costume he'd gotten from Kuro's supplier, don't get him wrong, but he felt more hero like wearing his new outfit than he did wearing one from the black market.

His outfit was darker than the others, call it habit of staying low or the fact he wanted to be an underground hero but he just decided to go that route. He wore a dark green hoodie with black lines on the side with an equally black hood. It had short sleeves that he wore black bandages under.

He got the black bandages idea from Kuro, he thought they looked aesthetic so he added them to his own costume. Except his went all the way up the arm and under his sleeves. They stopped at the wrist, where he wore black fingerless gloves for better grip. The hoodie itself was fireproof and made with a very specific material that would fend off many different elements. He wanted it to be bulletproof as well, but you win some you lose some.

On his face he wore circle goggles that had thermal light built into them that he could activate and deactivate with a small button on the side. A utility belt went around his waist with pouches filled with deferent items. In one he had medical supplies for different field surgery and in another he caltrops and shurikins, the others held support items for different situations. Holsters sat on each side of his belt for his staff to be placed when pulled apart into batons.

His black trousers were loose and comfortable for easy maneuvering. He wore shin high black combat boots that laced up before hanging lazily untied. He kept his hunting knife in his left boot for quick grabbing should he ever need it.

Under the whole outfit was a very thin kevlar vest. It wasn't the best at defending bullets but he went with it. Protection at his knees and elbows also went thin under his hoodie.

Izuku moves his staff to one hand and pulled a flash grenade from his pouch and put it in the hands of one tense and hesitant Ururaka.

"What is this?" She asked as she carefully held the item.

"A flash grenade. Use it on Iida and it should blind him long enough for you to get the weapon. Bakugo is going to come after me. Call it a hunch or pure instinct but I'm positive he will. I want you to sneak past me when he does, I'll keep him distracted," He explained.

Ururaka held the item more firmly than before, assures that what she held was not a real grenade, and locked eyes with him. They shone with pure determination. "Alright."

All Might's voice rung in their ears, the match had begun.

The pair walked to a wall and used the pink cheeked girl's Quirk to make it to a third story window. Izuku landed and immediately looked around for anything that might attack. He signaled for Ururaka to follow him and winced when he heard her loud heels tapping on the ground of the hallway.

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