Part 18

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(Commander Brunt point of veiw)

"Commander Brunt, Commander Durols is on the et7 and for lack of a better term she is extremely pissed off I've never seen her like this before she said it was urgent and that if you didn't come right away she would take matters into her own hands." Sergeant Neal said as I walked down the hallway to my quarters, I had just put her down for a nap and was planning on taking a look at some paperwork but that would have to wait.  Commander Durols was by far the most patient and level-headed person I had ever met so something had to be seriously wrong.

I make my way down and turn on the et7 to a red face Commander Durols who was rocking her screaming little.

"You called me because your little is throwing a tantrum?" I asked confused.

"Not quite, Commander Zean-" 

"What the hell did he do this time!" Commander Zean, what was the best way to put it? Was an inexperienced a-hole who only had the position he had because of his father and was despised by every other commander. He had to contradict everything another Commander said and never did his work, everyone knew that his right-hand scientist was the one who was really doing the job, he just held the title.

"He had been pestering me for his little to have a playdate with mine so I finally agree to get him to shut up and he brings his little knowing full well that he was sick. My little caught this disease that is only native to his little species and to make matters worse there's no medicine that my little can take for it, so my scientists are working double time trying to come up with something! I want his little rights removed he is a danger to that poor thing, he treats him horribly and now my little is suffering for it!"

"I hear you believe me I do, I want him gone just as much as you do but-"

"But nothing I have had enough with him, I came to you as a courtesy but I will bring this all the way up to the top you can stop that by taking away his title  I don't care how you do just do it you have plenty of evidence against him!"

"You know what will happen if I-"

"You know what will happen if I go to the top do you really want that kind of chaos because I swear I will bring it, I will kill him myself and you know I will, I may be patient but even I have my limit!" She spat.

"Alright alright, give me some time to alert the other commanders, we gotta do this by the books." Unfortantly I knew that threat wasn't just a threat but a promise, I didn't want my little to have to get the edge of all this crap while she was still adjusting.

"Fine" She said with a huff logging off. I sigh pushing a button typing a message that would go out to all of the commanders. Mandatory meeting tomorrow night no littles. At least that way I  could give my little some time to look around if she wanted to before dealing with this, and still give me time to come up with a way to keep total chaos from breaking out.

This wasn't the first time his position had been threatened, and the last time almost caused a civil war. My supervisors wanted him to say no one in the offense wanted him and at the end of the day every single ship would have followed me and separate if I had said the word. It had taken a lot of negotiating before things had settled down but in the end no shots were fired.

His rank being taking away would disgrace his family and everyone in his family was extremely high up, it would cause total chaos because once a trial began for him it would effect his family. For such a high-ranking family to be outcasted would cause all hell to break lose and any enemies that they were unaware of could take that chance to start a war. That's why everything he did was brushed under the rug.

Unfortantly for him he had broken a rule that just couldn't be swept under the rug, never harm a Commanders's little, and he had been the cause of making one sick. Not only would there be a ton of paperwork and meetings if this went to the courts, which at this point was really the only option, I wouldn't be having very much time with my little. I would have to make tomorrow an extremely fun day to make it up to her because of the way things were gonna go I wouldn't be spending very much time with my little anytime soon.

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