Part 10

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"Commander Brunt nice of you to finally join us-" Commander Zander stopped right in his tracks doing a double-take.

"Is that your little?" He asked melting on the inside. It took a few minutes before any of the commanders could compose themselves from mentally awing at the cuteness.

"Yeah and she just went down for her nap so let's keep it quiet" Commander Brunt said.

"Of course, how is she adjusting, while difficult I would say you got very lucky finding a pet so similar to us."

"I just can't get over how small she is, I know that reports said that humans were much smaller then us but she can't be any taller the a two year old would be for us" Commander Dorus said.

"She's doing as well as can be expected, she's definitely a shy one in littlespace but she's a completely different person when she isn't."

"Have you considered using the-"

"I'm not going to, it has't been approved for her species yet and besides she's got the bracelt, It's important that she can still be aware and make her own decisions in little space." Commander Brunt said holding her little a bit tighter then she was before.

"I'm guessing it would also be to soon for her to meet-"

"Out of the question, she's not ready for a whole new species yet one has to be hard already, I'm not gonna even consider it unless she brings up that she wants someone to play with."

"You always did like to keep things to yourself." Commader Zuru said with a huff.

"Anything to report?" Commander Brunt said wanting to move the meeting along she didn't want her little to wake up in the middle of the meeting.

"Nothing that needs our immediate attention, the planet Earth has had a few rebllions nothing that hasn't already been taken care of. In sector 1 the star is about ready to collapse, all planets have been evacuated and aliens have all been relocated, however a new study shows that Earth might get some radiation exposure when it collapses, a shield would take to long to create since the resources are not already there, and there is no where to relocate the humans, there tecnolgy is of no use to us so most likely we will be pulling our troops back, they may or may not be able to survive but since there's no stopping the star there's no point wasting our time about some low level speicies-"

"Your gonna let my friends die?" I asked rubbing my eyes, I had woken up a few minutes ago but was to scared to say anything but- but-

"I don't want them to die!" I said as the tears came pouring out.

"Hey,hey, hey it's alright no one said that" Commander Brunt said bouncing me only causing me to cry harder.  My vision was to blurred with tears to notice Commander Brunt mouthing to everyone else that they better find a way to fix this while mentally cursing at herself for forgetting to turn her translator off.

The commanders all looked to there right hand scientists who began crunching numbers before one of them spoke up, "The chance the radiation reaches Earth is only 27% even then it would only be low level, I can have a team work on radition treatment and can start an effort to store food, plants, animals of that planet so that even if the planet is affected everything would be fine, we could-"

"Send me the details in a report I'll read and approve it later, see sweetheart everything gonna be okay." Commander Brunt said rubbing my back. I couldn't help but cling to her, I was glad Earth wasn't doomed but know that I was awake and wasn't worried about Earth I could see how many people there were, and that was way to many people. 

I tried to shrink hiding my face into Commander Brunt letting out a soft whine, I didn't want to be here. The pacifier that had been in my mouth had fallen out when I had woken up but I really needed it right know, somehow I just knew it would make me feel better.

"Hey whats wrong sweet heart?"

"I want paci" I mumbled still hiding my head in her chest.

"Let me see your pretty face so that I can give it to you-" I shook my head no and I heard her chuckle why was she laughing?

"Is someone being shy?"

"Not being shy" I huffed as I started to tug on her medals.

"You know what I think someone is tired your suppose to be sleeping right know, Bellum could you-"

"Here, I figured this might happen." Dr. BEllum said handing Commader Brunt the bottle.

"Come here sweetie drink some milk.

I shook my head no again, "I don't want them to watch only you can" I mumbled still hiding my head in her chest. I felt my self being moved around and my face was know exposed to all of the other commanders. 

"Mommy make them go away" I whined

"It's alright sugar cube there not gonna hurt you-"

"I don't like them I like you!"

"It's fine I'll just mute their holograms and she won't see them but we'll still be able to hear them."

"How does that sound sweetheart" Commander Brunt said nudinging me.

"Otay mommy" I let her bring the bottle up to my lips and I lacthed on started to suck on it. Only a few sips in my eyes began to feel heavy. I moved putting my body closer into mommy before countuing to drink the bottle.

"She truly is adorable" Commander Zuru said in awe, after all Dr. Bellum made it so that they couldn't see everyone else, not that everyone else couldn't seem them.

I began to softly kick my feet as I continued to drink the bottle starting to feel even more sleepy before falling asleep.

The Little of the Alien CommanderWhere stories live. Discover now