Part 15

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I woke up as I felt something go on my wrist, I look at my arm and see the bracelet, I frown going to take it off.

"Sorry sweetheart your not allowed to take that off, not that you would be able to, no chewing on it either." She said sitting me up on her lap.

"Did you have a good nap?" I nod stretching and letting out a yawn and then repositioning myself to get more comfortable.

"I feel weird," I said after taking the pacifier out of my mouth.

"It's just the signals the bracelet is giving you, you were asleep when is was first put on the first time so your body had time to adjust to it." Dr. Bellum said as she sat down across from us.

"Why don't we take a look at the catalogs and see what you like, it will take your mind off it." Dr. Bellum said handing me what looked like a tablet.

"Just swipe the screen to keep going." I nod taking it and started to scroll through the pages. it was easy to tell that I was only being stuff from certain stores, to be precise toy and baby stores.  I wasn't interested in that though I wanted to look at alien inventions things that weren't on my planet. I kept scrolling figuring if I picked a few things out they might let me see the catalogs from others stores.

"I like this," I said quietly, my head was starting to hurt and I was getting really tired again even though I had just wakened up.

"That's not a bad idea kiddo, a swing would be really good for you huh?" She said clicking on the tablet.

"What are you doing?" I asked not really paying attention.

"I'm searching for all the different models so we can find a good one for you, ah here we go this one is much better for you." She said showing me a picture of a baby swing that rocked itself. That was not what I meant when I showed her a swing, I wanted the swing where I could actually swing, not be rocked gently.

I didn't feel like arguing so I just nodded and watched as she added it to what I guess was like the list of what your are going to buy. She went back to the page the tablet was at before and began scrolling.

"Just let me know when to stop alright sweetheart" I nodded not really paying attention. My body felt so weird, and everything was just really fuzzy, it didn't hurt or anything it just was weird. 

"Hey sweetheart you feeling alright?" I look up at her, had she said something. I honestly didn't have the energy to say anything.

"I think it might be best to bring her back to the ship Brunt, we can just pick out some things for her, she needs to rest while she becomes readjusted to the bracelt." Dr. Bellum said. I wanted to say something. Say no that I wanted to stay because I did, but I couldn't, and that made me said but as haywire, as my emotions had been I didn't cry, and right know I really wanted to.

"Yeah I guess your right, it probably was to soon to try and do something like this anyway."

At this point I didn't even know what was happening anymore, my eyes were open but everything was fussy and at this point, I couldn't hear anything etheir.

(Commander Brunt's point of view)

"Alright, sweetheart let's get you in your crib." She's was completely quiet the entire way back, not a single complaint about not wanting to leave. I tried not to think to much about it she was probably just really tired.

"Honey if you're being quiet because your upset about leaving were gonna be docked here for a few more days so-"

"Brunt I don't think that's the reason she's being so quiet. I assumed it wasn't a risk because she didn't show any symptoms right away but-

"What is that bracelt doing to her!" I yelled angrily instinctively holding on to my little tighter.

"It's more so of what the bracelt is not doing, the bracelt is there to help her fall into little space but it also monitors her breathing rate to make sure she's getting enough oxygen. We have more carbon dioxide in our air than on her planet, while we can handle a little less carbon dioxydie-"

"She can't handle a little more, we adjusted this area for the airflow to be a little different but we didn't do anything when we left and went off the ship." I said realizing what she was saying. I felt horrible how could I have forgotten. I had caused my little to not feel well.

"Don't blame yourself I forgot to think of that to, the bracelet was what would be the thing to detect that she wasn't-"

"But she didn't have it on."

"I would appreciate if you would let me finish but yes. There's no need to worry I can hook her up to an oxygen mask, and she'll be better within the hour. Don't beat yourself up about it."

"But I-"

"But nothing you're a great caregiver, you know she loves you even though she doesn't want to admit it, and you take great care of her, she's lucky to have you as her caregiver, there was no way to have predicted this would happen. If she had her bracelt on it would have automatically lowered the carbon level for her, we never could of guessed that she would have started to teeth on the bracelt, but that just goes to show how good of a caregiver you are to be able to get her into such a deep little space so early on."

"She'll be okay?"
"It will be like it never even happened." 

The Little of the Alien CommanderWhere stories live. Discover now