Part 20

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"Come on kiddo you got to go in the stroller if you want to go get some food." Commander Brunt sid bouncing me gently. I don't why but I was feeling really clingy and didn't want her to put me down. I grab onto her shirt nuzzling my head into her chest.

"No, you hold me," I said as I put my thumb in my mouth with my free hand. 

"Do you want to go in the holster?" She asked and I let out a hum in approval. I didn't really care as long as she kept holding me. She chuckles taking it out and putting me back in it. I forgot how it pushed my diaper up against me. I really wanted her to keep holding me but I didn't like how it felt. I told myself it would only be for a little bit and I would be able to see better since I wouldn't be in the stroller so it would be worth it.

"It's okay kiddo I'll take you out and sit you on my lap when we eat." She said rubbing my back. I loved how she knew exactly what I was thinking it made things so much easier when I couldn't figure out how to put something into words. I settle back down laying my head on her shoulder and whine when she takes my thumb out of my mouth but happily take the pacifier she was pushing up against my mouth.

I happily began to suck on it enjoying how calm and happy it made me felt. We were outside of the ship before we knew it, this time of course with the bracelt on working as it should. I lift my head up off of her chest looking around excited feeling a lot braver than I had when I had gone out the first time.

"Alright kiddo what do you want to try?"


"How about some actual food?"

"Kay" I said not really caring what I got to try I was more then happy to try anything.

"Oh I think I know something your like." She said walking up to a small booth and ordered something though I wasn't exactly sure what. We all sat down at a table and she took me out of the holster putting me on her lap.

"Your gonna like this a lot it's a type of meat from my home planet it's call Ryhne." The cubes of meat were on a small stick making it look like a kabob. I go to pick one up but she takes it out of my hand.

"Let me do it for you sweetheart I don't want you to poke yourself with the stick." She says taking a piece off of the stick and cut it up into pieces though it wasn't that big of a chunk to begin with. She picks one up and blows on it taking the pacifier out of my mouth and putting it in.

"This was so good!" It tasted a lot like steak but and had a sour yet sweet combination to it.

"Looks like somebody likes it." She said chuckling and ruffling my hair.


"CA you say please?"

"Pwease?" I asked. "I give you kiss?"

"Thats sounds like a very good deal." She said rubbing my back. I lean in and peck her cheek and then wait for her to give me another piece. The next piece tastes just as good! It was frustrating having to wait for her to give it to meet and not take it when I wanted it but at the same time I really enjoyed her feeding me.

"Are you thirsty I got a bottle packed for you if you want it."Dr. Bellum said.

"Juice?" I ask looking up at Commander Brunt.

"I don't see why not would mind getting her some Bellum?"

"Sure." Dr. Bellum said standing up.

The Little of the Alien CommanderWhere stories live. Discover now