Part 3

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I opened my eyes before closing them again, why was I so tired? While I was asking questions where was I? There was no way I was in my bunk this was way too comforterble. Wait was there something in my mouth? There was! It didn't feel like a gag, wait was this a pacifier! Did that mean? Oh heck no! There was a diaper on me! It actually didn't feel that bad- what was I saying I'm not a baby! I go to sit up but my body just felt so heavy. I wanted to say something I didn't even know what but instead I started to cry, I didn't mean to, I didn't even want to, and that just made me cry more, the more I cried the more comfortable I felt in some kind of weird way. Then I felt myself being picked up. It was the oh what do you call it? That's right the commander of the star fleet what was she doing here?

"It's alright sugar cube I'm right here," she said gently rocking me back and forth I tried to move but it was no use she was way to strong, I started to cry louder uncontrollably as she continued to shush and rock me, then my screams turned to sobs, which turned to whimpers. For some reason her rocking me made me feel a lot better I just wanted to lay my head down on her, no what was I saying she was the enemy! Still I found myself hiding in her chest as I felt her sit down.

"Can you look at me sugarcube?" I didn't want to but something about her voice made me want to listen, so I lifted my head up out of chest and looked at her.

"Theres that pretty face of yours" she cooed I couldn't help but smile for some reason I had this warm tingly feeling inside me. 

"Listen sugar cube, I know your confused and upset, but there's no need to be I'm gonna explain what's going on and then were gonna get you some food alright?" I nodded my head as I played with one of the many medals on her shirt.

"As your already aware I'm commander of this here starfleet, and every commander of a starfleet is allowed to keep a pet from one of the planets they took over, and I'm chosen you to be that pet. Seeing as on my planet you would only be two years old your gonna be treated as such alright sugarcube?" I nodded my head, I wasn't okay with it all but I couldn't say no. I laid my head back in her chest gripping on to her shirt.

"Your comfy" I mumbled into her chest she chuckled, "I'm glad you approve" she said stroking my head.

"I know this is gonna be a hard adjustment but in time you'll get use to it and come to enjoy it, just keep in mind to you I'm not the commander of the star fleet or the person in charge of taken over your plant, I'm your mom."

"Okay mommy." What was I saying she wasn't my mom, but why did part of me want her to be what was wrong with me!? I guess she saw the look on my face because she chuckled sitting me up on her leg.

"You see the bracelet there on your wrist, that bracelet is giving your brain signals to keep you in a mindset of a two year old, you will still have some big girl thoughts but after a day or two they'll be all gone so you won't have to worry about them and be all confused alright sugarcube?"

No not alright I didn't want to be two I was 15!"Come on sugar cube let's get you a bottle" She had to be out of her mind if she thought I was drinking anything out of a bottle.

The Little of the Alien CommanderNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ