Part 5

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I tried to move but she was still holding on to me tight, I couldn't tell her I needed to pee she would definitely just force me to use the diaper. It was one thing to drink out of a bottle but there was no way I was using a diaper. I guess she noticed that I was trying to get out of her grip because she began to shush me and sat me up on her knee taking the bottle away and begun to bounce me which only made me have to go even more.

The other woman had walked over to her and whispered something in her ear that I couldn't hear, but the oh yeah look on star fleet commanders face made me know she knew that I had to go. A moment late the same women came back with a new full bottle, I didn't get why they didn't just give me the bottle I had before.

"I'm not going to force you to go I'll let you do that by yourself, until then you can keep drinking." She said putting the bottle in front of my mouth and I started to cry struggling to get out of her grip.

"No I want the other one!"

"It's the same thing sweetheart-"

"No!" I yelled cutting her off, "I'm not dumb I know you put something in it that's why your not giving me the other bottle, you expect me to just do whatever you want without even telling me whats going on!" I yelled sobbing unable to stop.

"You took me away from my family, all of my friends! I hate you! I hate you I hate you!" I yelled she just smiled a sad pity smile like she knew something I didn't and it only made me hate her more. Even weirder the other woman seemed thrilled. I was screaming bloody murder and she was happy?!

Then I realised why, I had been crying so much that I had peed myself, not just that but so much that it had gone through the diaper and had begun to show on the footie pajamas I was in. I didn't even know how to react, when did I even do it? I mean I didn't even feel it! I mean I did now, and it felt really weird and all warm and- I didn't even know how to describe it. I was so shocked that I couldn't even cry I just layed my head down on her going limp. It was over I had loss any sense dignity I had.

Then the tears started again, and I heard her voice she was phrasing me? I just peed myself phrasing me is the last thing she should be doing. I feel myself being picked up and I cling to her. She goes to lay me down on what I can only guess to be a changing table but I continued to cling to her.

"No I want to stay with you" I whined, I'm not sure why but she made me feel better like everything was going to be okay if she put me down I knew I was going to start crying again, I didn't even care I was in a wet diaper anymore I just wanted to be held.

"Honey don't you want to get a clean diaper?"

"No I want you to hold me" I mumbled as I looked up at her before burying my head back into her chest, but I caught a glimspe of a smile and I couldn't help but smile to. Maybe this wouldn't be so bad, I mean I liked being held and she'd eventually give up trying to get me to use a diaper I had let my guard down I wouldn't let that happen again though.

"I'll tell you what why don't you let me change you and then we can cuddle all you want."

"Weally? Pwomise?" I said looking up at her.

"She's slipping" Dr. Bellum said in their own language." Coach Brunt just nodded happily, "That first bottle really did the trick she had the right idea but we were already one step ahead of you" she said squeezing my hand gently. I had no idea what she said but I figured it couldn't be bad.

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