Part 9

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(Commander Brunt's point of veiw)

I watched as my little slowly fell asleep in my arms I gently stood up careful not to wake her and grabbed a pacifier putting it in her mouth before sitting back down. I watched as it bobbed in her mouth with every breath, she was absolutely adorable. The meeting would start any minute and there was no way I was gonna wake her up but I still couldn't decide if I should bring her or not. The meeting wasn't in person so if she were to wake up she could always excuse herself. She supposed that would work.

She made her way into a room with twenty chairs surrounding a table, with a push of a button the other seats would be filled with holograms of the others, and the hologram would do exactly say exactly what the other person did.

Her mind started to drift off since she was a few minutes early, she couldn't help but feel bad, her littlemissed her planet, she couldn't blame her for that, but she wasn't going to just let her go back their. It had to be scary for her little there was so much she didn't know, how could she even begin to explain how her species worked? With nothing else to do until the meeting started she started to figure out how to explain her world to her little, after all she did plan to take her there at some point.

On her home planet you were categorized into one of three categories based on what you chose when you graduated, caregiver, researcher, and military. If you were a caregiver you were considered a civilian you had children and had a job that kept the community afloat, such as a waitress, a cook, an artitecht, a lawyer all of the basic jobs. 

When it came to the researcher and military group it was a lot more complicated though. Reasearchs had to main sub groups, military researchers, and medical research. Medical research became doctors and study thing on there home plannent, were inventors and such.

However a military research, for example Dr. Bellum were with the military, specifically the space units. The lowest rank took care of the ship parts also known as rank 10. Rank 9 grew food from the home planet in space and worked on seeing if food from other planets were consumable to them, they also were in charge of seeing what foods can be grown on different planets. Rank 8 were in charge of figuring out how other species worked, they deciphered there languages figured out there over all itllenge levels and space capabilities. Rank 7 had to learn how their species body worked, what the differences were and had to compare them to us. Rank 6 takes ideas from other species and then tries to figure out how to use it to our advantage. Rank 5 were in charge of making sure the air and water wasn't posionoious to us, as well as if any virus of there species were to us, they needed to see how close genically our bodies were to therirs, and softened worked with all of the ranks. 

Rank 4 studied the animal and plant life on other planets like the other ranks they had to understand their behaviors see if they were a danger to us besides the fact of being a predator, see if we could eat them and use them into our advantage in any way, they had to try to introduce them to our home planet as well. Rank 3 cross bred plants and animals from different planets. Rank 2 Bascially had to be able to do all of this and was then put in charge of a group scientists they were really just supivisors. Rank 1, which Dr. Bellum was and also very few of, like rank 2 have to be able to do everything all of the other ranks do and are the consultants to the commanders of star fleets.

They reported all the findings to the commanders and advised them on military strategies as a result of what was learn. Rank 1 was equivalent to a supervisor of a commader.

Then there was the military. Basically there was no land military there were just five subgroups of space military. There was, offense which took over other planets which she herself was in, defense, which was never needed but if there was to ever be a time when someone tried to go to war with them, explorers, which looked for new planets and such, cargo which basically just shipped things but was considered to be part of the military because anyone in that felid still had to go though all of the same training. The defense usually escorted he cargo ships to there destination, and then finally peace keepers. They would be on offense ships and one a planet was secured and the main fleet left they would stay back on the planet to make sure it stayed secure and there were no revolts. It was an unspoken thing that if you were a peace keeper you barley passed military training or it was a punishment. Once you started your job as a peacekeeper on a planet you never stopped.

In all five groups there were ranks, Commander supervisor technically didn't count as a military rank since they were just there to make sure a commander didn't step out of line, they never actually had to go though training,and were kind of like the government of their world. The rankes were simple and similar to Earth's though not exactly. At the top was a Commader of the star fleet which was in charge of a group of ships, then the Commander of the ship. Next came Cato which was basically just another way of saying that you had connections and didn't actually deserve any kind of promotion. Then there was Lead Sergeant, follow by plain Sergreant, troop A which was a troop who had been there for years, or had done something extronanory but wasn't skilled enough or didn't want to take the job as Sergeant, troop B was a troop who had been around for a year or two or did something to get promoted but not enough to to troop A. Finially there troop C or newbie.

That was a good enough explanation for a start, and  that would be more than enough to overwhelm her little. If she had to she could go into a little bit more of a detailed explanation, but she didn't plan to bring this up unless her little asked, though from whats she's seen so far she proably would ask eventually, and she wouldn't have it any other way.

The meeting had stated a minute or two ago by the time she had finished thinking about, not wanting to be hassled for being a few minutes late she pressed a button and the rest of the commanders with their littles on their laps appeared in holographic form.

The Little of the Alien CommanderWhere stories live. Discover now