Part 6

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I didn't really pay any attention to her changing me I thought I would be really bothered by it but I just didn't care honestly all I wanted to do was be held it was all I could think about. Without realizing it I had started to make grabby hands towards her and let out a soft whimper.

"Hold on kiddo just gotta zip you back up"she said as she patted me on the head, I let out a noise somewhere between a huff and a sigh before giggling as she picked me up, I nuzzled back into her chest grabbing on to her shirt. When she was holding me it felt like everything would be okay.

"Someones happy" She said bouncing me making me giggle before I gasped, there was a small window and it was completely black. I was in space! I didn't want to be in space I wanted to back home! Her grip was more relaxed then before and I took the opportunity to slip out of her grip running to a door, only to realise I was to short.

"Commander Brunt the-"

"Close the door!"

"Excuse me-"

Oh shoot the little! The Sergent realise smacking herself mentally, how could she have forgotten of course the commander was going to be with her and the little was going to be on edge ready to bolt. "I'm so sorry-"

"It's fine Sergent she took a look through the pothole and realise she's not on Earth, there was no way you could of known just help me get her-"

"Trouble with your little Commander?"

"I came here because Commander Doras was on the phone" The Sergeant said defeated she knew she was getting in trouble for this.

"Put him up on the screen I'll deal with him you just go find her and make sure she doesn't do anything stupid she was already starting to slip so she shouldn't be able to get to far" Commander Brunt said before turning to the screen. "Commander Doras what do I owe the pleasure of this call?"

"I did call to congratulate you, after all your the senior Commander out of all of the ships yet until know you were the only Commader to not have a little"

"Well I couldn't just pick any old one-" "Of course of course I meant no disrespect, and don't worry I'll keep this between the two of us truth be told your doing a much better job from what I can see then most do on the first few days, you got lucky finding one so simmliar to our own species I'm sure you heard about Commader Durols incident, and of course you can't forget about Commader Juiriel when she brought her little to the annual month meeting"

She couldn't help but crack a smile, she would never live the moment down, she had been delaying bringing her little to the meeting because of behavior issues but the other commanders including herself had been pressuring her to bring her little, she had the newset little after all, you were allowed to swap littles out at any time but it was a hassle so commanders tended not to do it.

"How could I forget that women can give a spanking, I may be her senior officer but I would not want to get on her bad side, I don't think anyone has ever seen her like that before shes usually known to be pretty quiet."

"Well I just wanted to check in I know you probably aren't planning to but everyone is antsy to see your little, if it's to much of a hassle you could always just give her some medicine in a bottle so she'll fall asleep."

"I'll think about it" Commander Brunt said ending the call, truth be told she had thought about it, but the meeting was tomorrow and she hadn't even been there a full day, even if she did give her some medicine right before the meeting it would still take a few minutes to kick in, and she didn't want her to have to to get all worked about others seeing her so early on. 

Besides everyone knew these meetings were just to show off each others littles, there was nothing to ever talk about, a little riot here and there but that was it, the meeting was really just a form of entertainment for the commanders.

"Uh commander we have a problem"

"This better be important-"

"Just to be clear she's fine but-"

"But what?"

"One of the new recruits saw her and thought she had snuck on the ship and knocked her out for a few minutes, Dr. Bellum was right around the corner luckily and took her to her quarters to check over her just to be safe and he's know apprehended, she woke up but she's in an extremely little space and is crying for you-"

"I'm leaving you put that idiot in a holding cell I'll deal with him later, put him in a bad one, hurting a commander's little, and in some cases even causing them to cry is a capital offense punishable by the person who did it and there immediate family to be sentenced to death-"

"But he didn't know-"

"Thats why he isn't getting a death sentence, but he's getting kicked off the ship at our next stop, if he can survive after that is up to him. Now get out of my way I need to go see my little.

NOTE- No the punishment is extreme. Commaders for this species is considered to be the equvilint of royalty therefor anyone to do anything to them or anything considered to be theirs is can be punishable by death, in fact the punishment giving was rather light can go into  more detail about this if needed or I could do a chapter that's just explaining how there species works.

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