Part 19

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(Commander Brunt's point of veiw)

Within an hour I had gotten contacted by the commander of each ship in my squadron and it was agreed upon that we would meet tonight after we had all gotten a chance to put our littles down for bed. That took care of what, one of a thousand things? Her little would still be down for her nap for another hour or so which thankfully gave her time to come up with a plan. With this going to take up a lot of time I knew I had to get what paperwork  I could out of the way right know, which unfortantly for me was a lot.

(P.O.V swicth)

I was not sure when exactly I had woken up I was kind of in a daze still not fully awake. I smiled remembering what had happened before I had fallen asleep. The pride I felt before came rushing back, and the happiness did to. I was going to be able to be myself and if it turned out that there really was a part of myself that was what Commander Brunt called a little then I was okay with that. I wasn't sure when exactly I had begun to trust her.

At first, I was scared and felt like I was in danger, then just that I was being forced here against my will and forced to do things I didn't like. But Those things I didn't like before I started to enjoy. I was angry that I was taken from my home, but know I felt like this was my home. What really made me feel safe though was the fact that she had openly showed that she didn't just love and want to take care of the little me, but that she wanted to take care of big me too. That she was okay with me being big me from time to time. That meant the world to me. 

Earth would always have a special place in my heart but I wanted to see new things and I wanted to see them with Commander Brunt and Dr. Bellum. I loved her watching me get excited because it made her smile and that made me smile. I was just so closed off, but know I was wide open.

"Did you have a good nap sweetheart?" Commander Brunt asked picking me up. I nodded snuggling into her letting out a sigh of content. I smiled as she gently rubbed my back. 

"Are you interested in getting some food? I know you had a bottle before your nap but I figured you would want to have some actual food." I nod my head excitedly and she chuckles rubbing my head.

"Can we go back out and go to a food stall?" I asked mentally crossing my fingers that she would a yes."

"Of course sweetheart anything you want."

"Could Dr. Bellum come to?" I asked hopefully though I didn't want to push my luck.

"I'm sure she would too though she might be busy, why don't we go ask her. It would be a good excuse for you to see her lab how doe that sound?"

"Really your the best!" I said excitedly practically jumping in her arms.

"Come down kiddo I get that your excited but you don't want me to drop you do ya?" I try to stay still as she walks down the hallways but I  was just so I excited. I wondered what kind of things would be in the lab maybe Dr. Bellum was working on some new type of alien technology and I would be able to see it!

"Commander Brunt what can I do for you?" Dr. Bellum asked as we walked through the door.

"Well, kiddo why don't you ask her?"

"Umm," I said suddenly getting shy. "Umm gonna get food and you come to?" I mumbled some of my words squishing together. 

"I would love to thank you so much for asking, I just have to finish a few things up real quick."

"Take your time." Commander Brunt said taking a seat in an empty chair and position me in her lap. I looked around curiously and was a bit disappointed when I didn't see any ray guns or something with a bunch of tentacles. It looked just like what you expect a lab on Earth would look like. 

"By the way Bellum, we got an important meeting tonight, Commander Durols had a situation with you know who and were gonna have to figure out how to do you know what." Dr. Bellum nodded with a  frown. I wanted to know what they were talking about.

Usally they never bothered trying to hide what they were talking about so it had to be serious. They weren't talking about Earth, were they? Oh no did the star explode! Or maybe the humans revolted and there sending ships to vaporize Earth as a punishment! No, I was just being silly, besides they wouldn't hide something like that from me right?

"What did he do this time?" Dr. Bellum groaned rubbing her forehead. Alright so at least it didn't sound like It was about Earth, though it still didn't seem like anything good. I knew I should mind my own business but I really wanted to know. I guess Dr. Bellum could tell what I was thinking because she gave my hand a reassuring squeeze.

"Don't worry it has nothing to do with Earth, just boring politics, the best way to put it is that someone in a high rank did something stupid, a lot of high-rank people are fed of but the people above them says they won't do anything because it would make them look bad."

"You don't need to worry your pretty little head about it, it's just a little extra work for us nothing more."

"But less playtime for us?" I asked my lip beginning to tremble.

"Of course not sweetheart, don't you worry about a thing your mommy is very smart and will take care of it." She said poking my nose. I giggled poking her back gently.

The Little of the Alien CommanderWhere stories live. Discover now