Part 4

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"Come on sugar cube I know your hungery you haven't eaten anything since last night and even then it was only a few bites" She said pushing the nipple of the bottle to my mouth as I moved my head out of the way.

"Who's fault is that?" I said  as I pushed the bottle out of my face.

"Enoughs enough kiddo, I get that you think your to old for a bottle but your not, you need to drink this and your not getting up from my lap until you finish the bottle."

"So you would keep me on your lap during  meetings with other star fleet commanders?" I pushed.

"Pets are considered to be living breathing trophies and are often brought to the meetings as long as they behave."

"What makes you think I'll behave?" I said trying to push her buttons.

"I KNOW your going to behave because I know you don't want a spanking. Now drink your milk" I gulped, I didn't want a spanking. Still there was no way I was drinking out of a bottle. I shook my head  sticking my tongue out at her,

"You know as a star fleet commander I've learned multiple ways to make people talk." Wait was she going to torture me I flinched as her hand came near my face to my surprised she just held my nose.

"But I don't think you want me to do that to you so I'm gonna give you one last chance." I shook my head as I tried to continue holding my breath but I was running out of air I opened my gasping for air and she took the nipple of the bottle in my mouth before I could stop it.

"Know go on and drink." I started to tear up, this was humiliating I wasn't a baby I shouldn't have to drink out of a bottle. She sighed standing up keeping the bottle in my mouth the entire time.

"Would it help if you had a toy to hold?" I nodded my head slowly, a stuff animal did sound kind of nice. She picked up a small stuffed bear and handed it to me and then sitting back down. I really didn't want to drink out of the bottle but it was already in my mouth, and I was hungry. I hesitantly sucked on it and a bit of milk came out, I jolted my had back spooked, I didn't know what I thought it was going to taste like I just didn't expect it to taste like that. I wasn't really even sure what it tasted like, but at least it didn't taste bad.

I hesitated before putting my mouth back on the bottle which made the woman smile, and made me feel happy and I started to suck on it again. More of the milk went into my mouth and this time I swallowed it. I waited a few minutes before sucking on it again but when I did, I didn't stop.

I was about halfway through the bottle as she gently rubbed my stomach, it felt really nice and any other time I would of been happy to have it, but it was making me need to pee.

The Little of the Alien CommanderWhere stories live. Discover now