Part 17

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I can't help but feel a little excited when she walks back into the room with the bottle. Truth be told I didn't really want a bottle but I liked the feeling of her rocking me while I drank from it. It was like a never-ending hug. I watched as she sat down on the edge of the bed and it was only then that I realised I was in a bed and in a crib. I mean I knew I was in a bed but I didn't, okay well I know what I mean it wasn't like I needed to explain what I meant to anyone.

I move over to her and put myself on her lap laying my head into her chest. This was perfect, I would be happy to just stay like this for the rest of my life. Of course, my brain wouldn't ever allow that as guilt started to wash through me remembering what I had said. I mean it was true but it hurt her feelings, and that-"

"Sweetheart look at me, if you don't want to drink the bottle you don't have to." She said repositioning me so she could see my face and I could see hers.

"That's not it, I mean I don't really like the taste that much but that's not it, I said those things, and you're still being so nice every time I yell at you- Why are you laughing it's not funny!"

"Oh sweetheart I'm sorry I didn't mean to laugh at you, you're just really cute when you worry like that. Your not hurting my feelings at all, your adjusting to a lot of change and you need someone to take out your emotions on, I'm fine being that outlet. Besides it's not like what you say is total nonsense, I understand what your saying. You should still be able to have some time to act your age and do things you enjoy."

"I talked it over with Bellum before I came in with some food, while your still gonna have to keep the bracelt on for obvious reasons, the bracelt won't give your brain any singles to get into little space you should be able to be in your headspace when you want to. I want to see the real little you not a forced version of it."

"Thank you" Was all I could say, she knew exactly what I wanted, what I needed to hear. I felt like a huge weight had been lifted off my chest and like I could breathe for the first time, though that may have just been the mask.

I watched as she took the mask off and brought the bottle up to my mouth, I open my mouth letting her put it in and I begin to drink it. I then realised this was the first time I asked for a bottle, I wasn't sure what to make of it but I felt a sense of accomplishment. I stopped drinking about halfway through the bottle already bored of the taste and just focused on the happy tingly feeling of being in her arms and being rocked. 

I let out a sigh of content but then frown as I felt the need to pee. I was so comfterble in her arms I didn't want to have to get up. I try to ignore the feeling and it slowly starts to go away. I cuddle closer into her chest and I realize my thumb was in my mouth. I didn't even really care I was just a little surprised. I suddenly started to crave the taste of the milk and I let out a little whine.

"What's wrong sweetheart?"

"Milk," I said though it was muffled by my thumb. 

"You want your bottle?" I nodded taking my head out of her chest and opened my mouth.

"Sweetheart you gotta take your thumb out of your mouth so you can drink your bottle," She said ruffling my hair chuckling. Right, duh I take my thumb out and let her put the bottle in my mouth. I started sucking on it and for some reason, it tasted a little different now, somehow it seemed to taste a lot better.


"You want more sweetheart you sure are thirsty huh?" I nodded my head trying to suppress a giggle.

I felt her stand up and as she did I felt myself begin to pee. I didn't mean to it just happened. I tried to stop but I couldn't and my diaper started to get all wet and warm.

"Oh, sweetheart good job" She cooed bouncing me.

"Come on sweetheart let's get you change and then we can get you another bottle." I nodded my head embarrassed and shocked.

She walked me down to another room and as she opened the door I realised it was the room that I usually was in with her, except it was different. There were toys everywhere. There seemed to be endless piles of stuffed animals and in the corner was a bab swing. Dr. Bellum wasn't kidding when she said that she had gone overboard.

"Alright, sweetheart let's get you into a clean diaper." I nod my head putting my thumb in my mouth as she laid me down on the changing table. While I always in the end gave in and let her change me, I didn't feel any urge to protest her changing my diaper. I guessed I finally realized that she was really only there to help me, or maybe I just stopped caring about her doing it. Etheir way I felt a sense of pride.

I had been so wrapped up in my thoughts that I didn't even realize that she had finished changing me. She picked me up and I laid my head down on her shoulder. I just felt so warm and happy, I wish I could just feel like this forever. My eyes start to droop, even though I had already had a nap I was still tired, but I didn't care. It felt good to not care.

The Little of the Alien CommanderWhere stories live. Discover now