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Mukuro's Pov 

I didn't have any expressions on my face. I watched Chrome as she carefully observed me, looking for signs of emotions, more like signs of jealousy. I smirked as she turned to leave. Hmm, but what to do about this Zero guy? She's not seriously going to go out with him, right?

I stood up and brushed the dust off myself. I was about to go when I felt a hand on my shoulder. I tensed up. I automatically turned around and glared at whoever it was. I sighed.

"Zero, huh?" I said, partly to myself.

"You like her, don't you?" he asked.

"No I don't." 

"Yes you do," he said stubbornly. 

"No, I don't and that's final." I glared at him.

"Hmm, really? I'll prove it to you then," he said, grinning evilly.

Is it just me, or is that look that a murderer gives their victim right before they kill them? I sighed, annoying at how long this is taking. I turned around and walked away.


"I will prove it to you!" he shouted at me.

Chrome's Pov 

I stared at the photograph of Mukuro and myself. A teardrop fell onto the glass. More followed. I reached for some tissues to wipe my eyes and to wipe the photo frame. 

It's okay. It's okay. It's okay. You can live without him. It's not like he's ... that... important.

"Chrome-chan! It's dinner time!" my mother called.

I cringed. Mother never calls me Chrome-chan, unless there's an important visitor or something. I sighed, and walked down the stairs, mentally preparing myself for the doom I have to go through. 

~~ Flashback ~~

My mother smiled sweetly at me. I was surprised. What's going on? I looked at the man who was sitting at my usual spot at the dinner table. I glared at him. My mother gave me a nudge and a look which said: Glare again, and you're going to get it.

I stiffened at the thought of it. Horrifying memories came back to me and I shuddered in fear. I didn't want to experience that again. I put on a lovely and innocent smile and went to sit beside my mother.

I ate in fear. My mother was watching me. I could feel her stare which pierced through me. 

-- End flashback -- 

At the bottom of the stairs where there was a very clear view of the dinner table, I stopped suddenly and gasped. Why is he here? Why?

I walked to the dinner table with my heart pounding violently. Why was Mukuro here? And why is my mother not pushing him out? Or is it because he hasn't told him that he's "Kuro-kun"?

I glanced at Mukuro and he smiled an innocent smile and put a finger to his lips. He probably didn't tell my mother who he actually was... 

He pointed to the seat beside him and poked his tongue out. Thankfully, my mother didn't see him stick his tongue out at me, but she did somehow see him offering the spot. 

"Go sit next to your boyfriend~" she said, smiling sweetly. 

I stiffened. It was this smile again... Wait, my boyfriend!??! I looked at Mukuro. What on earth did he say to my mother?!?! I sat down on the chair next to Mukuro, giving him a quick glare before turning back and smiling.

"Itadakimasu," we all said and started eating.

"Gochisousama deshita," I said, and went to put my bowl and plate in the sink.

I walked to the stairs and started going up slowly in deep thought. My foot slipped and I fell down. The darkness which always stayed at the back of my mind came out and engulfed me. I couldn't hear or see very well, but I thought I saw Mukuro's worried face and heard sirens.

Mukuro's Pov 

~A day later~


I heard an ear piercing scream coming from Chrome's room. As I rushed over, my heart was pounding.

What could have happened?


Um. Cliffhanging genius alert? :'D

Sorry for not updating.







which will come soon. probably. O3O 

A New or Old Love? (Chrome & Mukuro love story)Where stories live. Discover now