The First Three Rounds

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Two chapters in one day. :'D I feel really proud. I want to finish the story, so I might update another chapter later. I'm so happy it's the holidays. xD Please enjoy the story and like/comment if you enjoyed it. xD And fan if you are feeling awesome. ;D

Dedicated to Tania[Oasilore] because she said the last chapter was good. AHAHHA. I feel like my awesomenss is taller than Mt. Everest. :DD

Anyways, I'm going to stop talking so you can read the story~!


Chrome's Pov  

I yawned, as the gates of the school got closer. I had a good sleep, but I'm still pretty tired. Probably since I'm not used to taking control of the body yet. But I will get used to it after a few days. Probably... I saw Mukuro leaning against the gate, looking like as if he's debating with himself. I rolled my eyes at him. He looked up. and I stuck out my tongue at him. Yesterday he sent me a message telling me that the first round of the game is to make the other person get into trouble. "This will be a piece of cake," I thought. "Chrome!" I turned around to see Zero walking towards me. I gave him a warm smile. It was fake though. But he didn't see through it. Hopefully.

I was about to turn around but something touched my cheeks. I jumped a little, surprised. I turned around to see Zero grinning at me. "What...?" What did he do? "Aren't boyfriends and girlfriends supposed to kiss?" he asked. Aren't you doing it a bit too soon? Although I didn't say that. Even though I really wanted to. I shook it off and walked to the classroom. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw Mukuro showing no expressions. He must really hate me, after what I did yesterday. Well, that's all the more better for me.

I spinned my pen on my desk and sighed. These classes are so boring. How did my other part even survive these lessons? Must be a true genius. Genius nerd, that is. I felt a poke. I ignored it, since it was probably Mukuro wanting some attention. Not going to give him any. Poke. Poke. Ignore it. Ignore it. Poke. Poke. Poke. I stood up and yelled, "QUIT IT, WOULD YA?!?!" 

Crap. Everyone was looking at me. Their expressions tell me that I'm screwed. I glared at Mukuro, but he just smirked at me. I felt a glare. I turned my head slowly and saw the face of a very scary and ugly old man who happened to be my teacher. And also happened to be the meanest teacher on Earth. "You, stay in after class," he said sternly. I could see his veins popping. 

"B-" I started. "No buts,"  "Asshole," I muttered under my breath. The people near me were all laughing. "What did you just say?" the teacher with the very unstylish haircut asked. "I said, asshole since you said no butts," I smiled a very big and innocent smile. The whole class started laughing wildly. I beamed, proud of my comebacks. More veins popped. I wonder who's going to mourn for him when he dies. Probably nobody. 

"I win the first round of the game," Mukuro whispers beside me. "What game?" I said loudly, forgetting that it's class time. "It's a secret," Mukuro says slyly. I rolled my eyes. The whole class starts chanting, "What game? What game? What game?" I turned around, giving them all an icy glare. "Don't be so shy, Chrome-chan," he said it in a seductive voice. I turned around to glare at him, but he leaned close and kissed my cheek. I blushed like no tomorrow. "WHAT THE HELL. THAT'S NOT FAIR, YOU AMBUSHER!!!" I screamed at him. Once again, I forgot that I was in the classroom.

The whole class just started laughing again. The teacher gave up at trying to shut us up and pushed us out of the classroom and told us to reflect. I sat down and leaned against the wall. Mukuro just stood there and folded his arms. "Round 1 goes to me," he said proudly. "Pft, just wait. I'll be winning the next round. You will have to beat the other person in the test that's coming up," I declared. "Go on, I dare you to try." he said. "I'm not going to try it. I'm going to do it," I declared. My pride is on the line. No way am I going to lose to someone like him. I'm going to study so hard that my brain burns up. 

Mukuro's Pov 

It has only been five minutes since I started studying and my brain has already been blown into bits. I'll just let her win this round. I'll just win all the other rounds. 

~~~ day of the test results ~~~ 

Mukuro's Pov 

The teacher handed back my test results and simply sighed. "Dun, dun, dun..." I said. "What are you doing?" Chrome asked. She looked at me like as if I was an idiot. "Making suspense, duh," I replied. She rolled her eyes and snatched my results sheet just as I was about to reveal my awesome score. She opened it up and made a weird face. Few seconds later, she bursted out laughing. "What's so funny?" I asked, annoyed. It couldn't have been that bad, right? I took the sheet back and stared at my score. 





"WHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAT!!!" I yelled. Seriously, am I a genius? Out of all possible scores, I got zero. ZERO. Z.E.R.O. I looked at Chrome, and she gaves me a thumbs up. I could see the sarcasm in the thumbs up. I could feel it too. Don't ask me how, but I did. "Guess I win this one, right?" Chrome said, smiling. Pft. That fake smile. I can see right through it. "Che. The next round will be a round of...." I made a drum roll sound with my hands hitting the desk. "SCISSORS PAPER ROCK!!" She just shook her head and sighed. "Three rounds of it, okay?" she asked. I nodded.

Chrome's Pov 

Mukuro grinned after the third round of the game. He won all three rounds of scissors paper rock. "I have two points and you only have one," he teased. That...stupid...guy!!! This is not the end. I am NOT going to lose to him. "I'll announce the next round tomorrow. How many rounds should we have?" I asked. "Hmm...six," he replied, after pretending to be in deep thought. "Okay." I didn't say much. I was too busy planning how to defeat him flashily.

The bell rang and everyone rushed out of school to go home. I wanted to go as well, but I would probably get into more trouble if I run now. Ugh. Who cares. I took a step towards the door, but the teacher called out, "Chrome, where do you think you're going?" His voice sent chills down my spine. It was NOT something you'd look forward to. I sat on my chair and reflected on my actions today. I stared out the window, and the sky had a beautiful colour. It was pinkish purple and the trees looked black which looked really good with the sky colour.

"As much as I want to punish you more, you'll have to go home now or else I'm going to get fired," the teacher said. I did a short victory dance and ran out of the classroom. I saw Zero standing by the gates and walked over to him. "Why are you still here?" I asked him. "Waiting for you," he replied. I smiled at him and thanked him.. I was going to walk home until he called out to me. "I'll walk you home," he offered. I nodded and he walked me to my house. I stopped and turned around. "Bye, and thanks," I murmured. He just smiled and turned around.

 "I'm home," I called out to my mother. She just nodded. I walked up the stairs and dumped my bag onto the ground. I sat on my chair and laid back. My windows were open and the wind blew in. It felt great. I sighed. If only all the days were like this. Peaceful and calm. My eyes fluttered open, as I got a great idea for the round tomorrow. I'm going to challenge him to a 50m sprint. I'm pretty confident in my running. That's the only physical thing I'm good at. "Yep, it's decided," I said, nodding, I crawled onto my bed after finishing all my homework. I closed my eyes and fell asleep.

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