Dreams of the Past

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Chrome's POV 

"Kuro-kun, wait for me! I'm coming too!" I shouted to him.

I ran after him, but my legs gave up and I fell down on the grass, panting heavily.

"Kuro-kunnnnn," I bawled.

Mukuro's POV 

That girl, Chrome seemed to be calling out what Chrome (8 year old chrome) called me in the past.  She writhed and iI started to see sweat droplets so I shook her to wake her up.

Chrome's POV 

The image suddenly faded.

I opened my eyes, feeling slightly dizzy and closed them again. What I saw turned out to be 5 heads and they looked like Mukuro's heads. I shook my head and tried to clear my mind. I opened my eyes again, and Mukuro was leaning close. I blushed and felt myself burning.

"He's so close!!" a voice screamed in my mind. 

I shrinked into the blanket covering half of the bottom of my face.

"You're not here to tease me, are you?" I asked doubtfully.

Mukuro's POV 

"How rude to say that to the person who saved you," I said, in my arrogant voice.

"I..I'm sorry," she said quietly.

"Ah, the time! I need to get home now!"

Chrome's POV 

I jumped down from the bed and started to run, but as I was just about to run, Mukuro called out my name. I turned back and opened the door of the infirmary. 

"What?" I asked in a tone trying to tell him how I had to get home. NOW.

 Mukuro's POV 

I kept thinking and asking myself if I should ask her about her Kuro-kun she was calling for in her dream.

"Ah, nothing...You can go now," I muttered, still deep in thought.

Chrome's POV 

"Ugh! Don''t waste my time for no reason!" I yelled back from the end of the hallway.

"I'm going to get in trouble," I thought, scared of getting another beating from my mother.


Author's notes:

Chapter 6 will come probably this week, or maybe next week. Perhaps sooner~

It all depends on my laziness ahah. 

But I hope everyone enjoyed reading this chapter. ^-^ Please comment~

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