Cold as Ice

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Chrome's Pov

I walked along the hallway, wondering what I should do in the first break. Ahead, there were some girls crowding over something. I looked over their heads and saw Mukuro grinning in the centre. They were walking towards the opposite direction of me. I walked forward, trying not to think about what happened yesterday.

My eyes darted to where Mukuro was. He wasn't looking at me. He was having fun with his fangirls.

"Like I care," I thought, and kept walking.

Mukuro's Pov 

"Ah. She ignored me," I thought, looking at her back as she walked away.

She looks like she was angry, but I couldn't see her face. I hoped it was angry, as I was having fun with the girls to make her jealous. Although it doesn't look like she was jealous...

Chrome's Pov 

I walked into the classroom and sat down in my seat. I shifted the table and chair a little bit further away from Mukuro's seat. I didn't want to see him. Not after what happened yesterday.

-bell rings-

Our teacher walked in, with a thick textbook, which everyone was not looking forward to. He droned on and on about how he became a maths teacher. Sometimes, these teachers are too in love with their jobs.

Out of the corners of my eyes, I glanced at Mukuro. He had his feet on the table and he looked like a gangster, but of course, his fangirls were going "kya kya~" over him. I rolled my eyes.

I concentrated on doing the maths problem when a familiar voice whispered, "Looking at the one you love, I see," My face was burning, as Mukuro was leaning very close to me. I tried to ignore him for the rest of the lesson.

"Today..." the teacher started.

I had a bad feeling. A very bad one. One that felt like a storm was coming. Usually the teacher announced the two people who would do the tasks at the end of the day.

"Chrome and Mukuro will be on duty." 

I had a look of horror on my face. Me...with Mukuro? Just after we've become like enemies? Not a good combination. 

"I'm looking forward to working with you, Chrome-chan," Mukuro said in his annoying flirty voice.

I felt a blush creeping up again and I kept my head down, so that my hair could cover up my face. By now, it was probably very red. Like a tomato. Or beetroot. I could sense that Mukuro was getting closer. (I had a 6th sense) I leaned over to the side so that we wouldn't be close.

-bell rings-

"Phew..." I sighed. 

The bell saved me. Like truly saved me. Who knows what I'd do if it was later. I'd probably fallen off my chair and Mukuro would have laughed at me.

"Agh..." I groaned quietly. 

However, the worse was yet to come. I have to be alone. With Mukuro. In a classroom. ALONE!!! I tried to calm the butterflies inside me, but I was too nervous. 

"Lets start," he said, taking the chair and sitting at the table opposite of mine.

I felt my heart droop. Disappointment that he didn't sit next to me? No. Definitely not. 

"What? My princess is sad that I'm not sitting next to her? I'll come over then~"

"N-n-no thanks!" I stuttered.

How can he even say these embarassing words?

I sighed and started to write on the paper about what we did today. I filled in up to the 3rd period. I skipped the 4th period, since it was sports, so I didn't know what it was. My last option...

"What did you do for sport?" I asked him.

A sly and evil looking smile formed on his face. "You'll have to pay the price for the answer," 

"Fine, fine. Tell me then," 


I wrote tennis down in the section for the 4th period.

"Ah, what do I have to do?" I asked, suddenly remembering that I had to do something for him in exchange for the answer.

"Kiss me," 


Melissa: Once again, I felt evil. :3 GYAHHAHAHAHAHAHA~ I won't be publishing any chapters for the rest of this week or next, since I have to study for exams, but I will make it up to you all~

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