Chapter 99: Poker Face

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All day long the girls were dying as they kept the secret of Friday's plans to themselves. Watching movies with the women all evening long was nice, but at the same time it made keeping a straight face difficult.

Especially now.

Since the women knew that the girls knew about their plans, they would talk openly about it with them. They took turns guessing what they could possibly be in for on Friday. But no matter how many attempts they had, neither women had gotten anywhere near close.

Having to make something up on the spot each time that was completely wrong, the girls each had to throw them off track when it was their turn to assume what would be going down.

Before they knew it the sun had set and night was rolling around the corner. After taking a shower and getting themselves ready for bed, the girls still weren't in headspace. And they certainly weren't going to be in it for the rest of the night.

"Kaila are you sure you don't need one?" Nina asked as she offered a diaper to the girl that she was keeping company while she readied herself for bed.

"I'm sure." The girl said confidently.

"Alright then get in bed already. It's late." Nina smirked when her girl did as instructed. Sitting down at the edge of her bed Nina leaned down to kiss her girls cheek. "If I have to wake up early because you decided that you didn't need one of these tonight, then you will feel my morning wrath." She said with a playful face of fury while she tossed the diaper onto the floor and waved her finger in Kaila's face.

"I won't have to deal with any of your wrath mama. I'll be fine." She assured.

Brushing the hairs out of Kaila's face the women heard a knock at the girls door. Looking over she saw the rest of their family had walked in. "The girls asked if they could all sleep together again." Lain said as she and both of the other girls saw the diaper on Kaila's floor besides their feet.

Looking back to the girl besides her on the bed, Nina offered it to Kaila one last time, "last chance?" She wanted to be sure that Kaila was absolutely positive about her decision while Lain picked up the diaper and passed it back over to her.

But Kaila rejected it once more. "I won't have an accident tonight." She whined. And unlike before, when she spoke it was as if she had no confidence at all. Her eyes continuously glanced back towards the other girls in the room who were looking at her interaction with the mocha woman closely.

Feeling as if she could do no more to change Kaila's mind, Nina threw her hands up before walking over to her wife's side while the other girls took their places on the bed besides Kaila. "If you girls feel something wet tonight, get out of the bed." She teased while Kaila's face turned into a dark shade of red.

Slapping her wife's arm hard, Lain shook her head. "Don't say that! You're embarrassing Kaila."

Faye and Lauren just avoided eye contact as they now more slowly made their way into bed. Noticing this Lain covered her wife's mouth to silence her laughter before she spoke. "Don't listen to mama, girls. If Kaila says she'll be fine tonight then she'll be fine." She tried to assure but Nina's words already sunk in past the point of return.

Both of the other girls laid with some distance between themselves and Kaila. "Look what you did babe." Lain scolded while she hit Nina again as she removed her hand from her wife's mouth.

As her laughing subsided, Nina turned serious with her girls. "I was only playing. I shouldn't have said that Kaila, I'm sorry." She apologized but that didn't make the others move any closer.

Thinking about it more, Kaila sighed as she sat up. "I want it." She admitted.

"Are you sure?" Nina asked in shock as she started to feel bad for her girl. "I didn't mean what I said Kaila, if you don't want to wear it tonight then you don't have to."

"No I want it". She said again while getting up from off of the bed and walking shamefully over to the woman.

While she admitted internally that the main reason for her denial of the diaper in the first place was because she knew the other girls would be joining her in bed for a long talk about Friday, she couldn't deny herself of the security the fluffy object gave her. Even out of headspace, Kaila wanted that same sense of safety that it provided.

Grabbing her hand, Nina excused herself and Kaila for a moment while they finished getting her ready for bed tonight after grabbing the diaper from off of the floor next to them.

As they walked out and the room was left in awkward silence, Lain cleared her throat as she approached the other two. "I don't know what I'm going to do with your mama. She just doesn't know when to shut her mouth sometimes." She playfully rolled her eyes as she tucked them in.

Letting out small giggles the girls felt more confident when Nina and Kaila returned. This time there wasn't a diaper in the woman's hands and a large smile was plastered on the little girls face.

Getting back into bed besides the others, Lain and Nina kissed each of their girls before waking out. Knowing they weren't in headspace they didn't worry about them tonight. They knew for a fact they weren't going to bed yet, but after their exhausting morning from shopping—the women were.

After the couple left the room, the girls all turned to face one another. "So, about the plans..." Faye began just eagerly wanting to get into business and to forget about Nina's comment to them about Kaila. " are we going to split up and do this?" She asked.

As Lauren began to answer and their focus became more oriented about Friday's event, the girls found themselves more comfortable as Nina's comment flew out of all of their minds.

As they worked out the details amongst themselves for their contribution to the surprise event, everyone got serious. With only a short amount of time to work everything through, they had to make sure their part was perfect.

After talking for what seemed like hours the girls still didn't feel tired. They were so excited for Friday to arrive already. They wanted nothing more than to be able to see the looks on the women's faces when they realize what surprise the brothers had put together.

"I think that they're going to cry." Faye confessed.

"I think they're going to scream first and then break down and cry." Lauren said.

"I think they'll be so shocked that they won't even be able to speak or cry." Kaila laughed as they all shared their different thoughts about the couples reactions.

"It's so exciting! I can't believe they actually pulled something like this off!" Faye said still in shock herself from all of the work and effort that had to be put in place to make something at this scale possible.

Not only was it a brilliant surprise for the couple but with a past like theirs, a surprise like this was going to be worth every drop of energy put into it.

The girls couldn't hide their excitement any longer as their squeals turned up in volume and they all cheered together on Kaila's bed. The clock seemed to be against them. While time passed by in the snap of a finger when they talked to one another, it was also the slowest moving object around. Every time they glanced back at it they would hoped that at least an hour had gone by, when in reality, if they were lucky at least five minutes had.

And yet they still managed to find a way that made looking at the clock tired them out. Watching it tick slowly was rhythmic. Slowly their racing hearts down, the girls relaxed into bed and as time would have it they fell fast asleep.

But that didn't stop them from picturing Friday's events in their dreams. Watching everything unfold in front of their eyes, each girl slept peacefully as their dreams took them on a journey.
A/N: I hope y'all are ready for the finale tomorrow!

Let me know what you think. Thanks Lexx signing off

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