Chapter 10: Outfit Change

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Grumbling under her breathe the little girl with long blond hair awoke from her slumber. With deep bags under her extremely puffy eyes, Kaila tried to blink her eyes open.

However, from all her crying last night she found it excruciatingly difficult to do so. The extra puff from all her shedded tears were making it hard to move her eyelids up.

Rubbing her eyes she attempted to open them again. And with this attempt she finally got them open to a point where she could actually see again. Now with her sight back she was able to see that she was still in the room the women had provided for her.

The room was dark as night was present. The bright charm of the sun had yet to return. Kaila tossed and turned in bed as she tried to return back to sleep, but with the constant thought of where she used to be haunting her she found it to be a difficult task.

As she breathed heavily taking little peaks before fluttering her eyes shut again, she tried to remind herself of her current whereabouts. So far this place hadn't shown her any harm nor fear, trying to remind herself of that fact alone she was able to calm herself down.

It felt like only a second had passed after her eyes had finally closed when she opened her eyes once again, however, this time wasn't from her own accord. On her bedroom door there was knocking. "Kaila?" She heard one of the women ask for her from the other end.

Grumbling to herself she didn't want to move. Yet a constant reminder of not upsetting them settled on her mind. With nothing else more terrifying than the unknown reactions the women would give her if she didn't listen, she sat up tiredly as she quickly got out of bed not wanting to keep her waiting any longer. She panicked as she caught sight of herself in the reflection of her window.

Seeing how disheveled she looked her eyes went wide. Quickly throwing her hands above her head she tied her messy bed hair up into an easy bun before placing her hand on the doorknob.

Fixing herself up she took a deep breathe. Whispering to herself hopeful wishes the little girl was terrified about opening the door. She didn't want to get in trouble for taking too long to respond. And yet here she was wasting even more time as she contemplated over it. Until finally enough was enough.

Swinging her door open she noticed the tan beauty standing tall outside her door was just about to knock again. A warm smile was plastered on her face as she changed her fist that was intended to knock into a kind wave.

"Good morning." She chuckled putting her hand down to her side as she looked down at the small girl. And from her other hand Kaila noticed a set of clothes in them.

"M-morning." Kaila muttered as she stood awkwardly at the door.

"I was just checking to see if you were awake. And now that I know you are, do me a favor and get out of my shirt and into this." She handed out the pair of clothes in her hands to the girl. "Nina and I didn't know what kind of stuff you would like when we went shopping a while back, but I hope it's alright with you."

Hesitantly Kaila reached out taking the clothes out of her hand. "I-it's fine. T-thank you." She answered not even fully paying attention to what she was holding yet.

"Good, well I'm glad you like it." She noticed the way the woman's face lit up at that sentence. "Now get yourselves dressed and then meet us downstairs, Nina and I would like to address some stuff with you and Lauren before our outing today."

Kaila nodded for the sake of getting the conversation over with as she stood nervously holding onto the new pair of clothes. It was clear how much she was trembling by looking at the clothes in her shaky hand.

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