Chapter 96: Special Venue

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As another day arrived something that neither of the women nor the girls knew had arrived. With freezing temperatures frosting their windows, outside covering their entire yard and neighborhood sat a thick layer of snow.

Without a blanket to sleep with, Nina found it hard to stay in that blissful state for long. Making groggy noises as she sat up, the woman rubbed the back of her neck with a sore expression. Sighing as she rocked her head back and forth the woman hadn't expected it to hurt this badly when she woke up.

Grumbling as she stood, Nina looked over to her bed seeing all three of her little girls had stolen her half. "Thanks." She muttered softly still holding her neck as she slowly began to walk out.

In her snail haste to the doorway she had made enough creeks on the floor that it woke her wife up.

"Babe?" Lain said as she sat up wiping the sleep from her eyes. "Where are you going?"

"Coffee. I'm freezing right now." She continued onward.

Seeing Faye, Lauren, and Kaila were all sleeping peacefully made the woman besides them smile. "Hold on, I'm coming with you." She whispered towards her wife as she jumped out of the bed. Throwing her phone into her pocket Lain wasted no time to leave the room after grabbing a sweater from her closet.

Rushing to catch up, Nina continued on ahead without a sign to slow or stop. "Babe hang on." Lain struggled to both put on her sweater and maneuver down the stairs. However, despite all of her hardships the woman walked behind her grouchy wife until they reached the kitchen.

Feeling more awake after that short walk, Lain got in front of her wife and held her hands on her hips. "Are you going to be this upset all day long because you woke up wrong?"

"What?! No." Nina said with an even bigger frown on her face than before.

"There it is again. It's not my fault you decided to sleep on the floor last night."

"I don't even remember going to bed last night, I was so tired that the only thing I remember was listening to the same Christmas carols over and over again." She said rubbing her neck as the pain set even further in.

"Look all I'm saying is that if you're going to be in a mood today because of this, you'd better not do it around me. It's snowing outside babe, I want to take the girls out. Maybe build a nice snowman or something."

Sighing as she breathed heavily Nina dropped her hands in front of her as she leaned onto the kitchen counter. "Fine. I'm sorry. I'm just cold and this cramp in my neck really hurts." She hung her head down.

Rolling her eyes at her wife's dramatic scene Lain got to work in making a warm cup of coffee to soothe Nina's cold problem. As she passed over the mug of the smoking liquid, Nina didn't even wait for it to become drinkable. Instead she put the mug under her face which gave the steam a perfect path to pass through her icy face.

Sighing in relief Nina grinned. "This feels good." She shut her eyes in order to focus on enjoying all of the warmth her hot mug had to offer.

Meanwhile, Lain had gotten behind her wife's stance against the counter and put her hands upon her shoulders. Finding the tense spots in her wife's neck, the woman began to gently massage them out.

Moaning with pleasure Nina smiled largely. "I take back what I said earlier. This, oh this feels good. You should do this more often babe."  She said leaning back into her wife's touch as the woman worked her magic in removing her wife's pain.

With a combination of Lain's soft hands and her own personal facial fireplace, Nina felt better than ever. Back to her cheerful mood the woman looked so relaxed as her stance loosened up and her noodle legs nearly dropped her onto the floor.

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