Chapter 84: Confused Bug

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As the night grew old and the moon began to set as the shining morning sun rose over the hills, Nina had woken up when something brushed lightly against her nose. Nearly having to sneeze, the woman opened her eyes finding it was her wife to blame.

In their sleep Lain had made her way into Nina's arms. Holding on tightly to her wife as she slept, Lain managed to put her head directly underneath Nina's nose.

Brushing her wife's hair out of the way, Nina felt the itch in her nose disappear as she leaned back into her wife's hold. Refusing to get up the woman wanted nothing more than to stay exactly like this.

Warm with her wife in her arms. It was perfect.

So she did. Laying in bed for an extra hour the woman couldn't fall back asleep. She wanted to savor this moment the she so dearly missed. Her eyes never left her wife's face.

Nina only looked elsewhere when Lain started to slowly wake up on her own. Getting a brief glance at her wife staring down at her she couldn't help but blush. "You're watching me when I sleep now." She said with a small smile.

Chuckling as she pressed a kiss on her wife's lips, Nina just smiled back. "What can I say? I've missed this."

Chuckling as she wiped the sleep off her face, Lain couldn't help but smile largely.

Snuggling together for as long as they could the couple had felt closer than ever before.

That task alone would have seemed almost impossible for them to image so many months ago. Before the incident they were inseparable. But while going through such a hardship had its downfalls, it did manage to do something right—it brought the women closer to one another. It encouraged them to grow and the tight bond they had with one another made itself stronger.

They laid in comfortable silence until they could hear rustling coming from the hallway. Hearing footsteps wandering around the floor, they knew at least one of their girls were awake.

"What do you say we tell them good morning?" Nina asked.

Despite the look of hesitation in her wife's eyes, Lain didn't want to wait a moment longer. Grabbing her by the hand, Nina led them out into the hallway where they could hear whispering coming from Kaila's room.

Peaking their heads in through the girls cracked open door, they spotted Lauren tucked in besides Kaila talking to one another.

They seemed to be deep in conversation but the instant both of them spotted Lain standing in the doorway their eyes nearly bursted out of their heads with excitement. "Mommy!" They shouted together running over and embracing the woman.

"We miss you." They said together as Lain just kneeled down before them as she held onto them tightly.

"I've missed you girls too."

"You feeling better?" Kaila asked with a hopeful glee to her smile.

"Much. Mama made sure of it." As the girls clung onto Lain tightly, the woman glanced over to her wife seeing a warm smile grow on her face.

"Come lay with us mommy." Lauren began to tug Lain by the bottom of her shirt back over to Kaila's bed. Not wanting to disappoint them any longer the woman obliged. Letting the little girls curl up into her under the sheets, the woman surely missed this feeling.

Sitting at the edge of the bed Nina happily chuckled at them. "I missed seeing my girls together."

"No." Lauren said. "Faye not here."

"Oh that's right. Well then mama will be right back." Nina gladly got up and walked over into Faye's dark room.

Seeing her sleeping girl rolled up in her sheets like a little burrito, the woman eased her out and onto her hip. Carrying her gently into Kaila's room, the woman laid on the bed with Faye on her chest.

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