Chapter 28: Incident

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"Wakey wakey" Lain cooed as she lifted Kaila off of the bed. She whined being interrupted from her slumber but the woman just set her on her hip as she began to pat her bottom.

Quieting down the girl, Lain carried her out to where Faye was happily playing once again with stuffed animals on the living room floor. Lauren had been sitting besides the girl just watching as she played. Luckily though she wasn't by herself.

Both Nina and Natalia were sitting besides them as they laughed and commented while Faye played. "Look mama look!" Faye held out her stuffed giraffe to the woman as she gave it a shake. "She's dancing!" Faye giggled.

"She is dancing!" Nina said proudly. "Don't you think so Lauren?" She asked trying to keep her involved with her little girl.

She curled up in Nina's lap as she nodded against her chest. "Do you want to try playing too Lauren?" Lain asked as she sat besides the other women with Kaila in her lap.

"Mommy look!" Faye giggled immediately holding her dancing giraffe for Lain to see.

"That's a very pretty dance she's got going on princess. Do you think you can share your stuffies with Kaila and Lauren?" She asked of her.

Faye looked tentatively between the girls trying to debate in her head whether or not she would allow the girls who had ruined her fun earlier to use her favorite toys. For a moment she was about to nod in agreement. Having playmates sounded like fun!

But that was before a darkening thought filled her head. Especially after she took a closer look at the new girls around her and noticing how both of them took up her mommy's laps. 

The women were cradling the new girls exactly like how they would hold her. Rocking them exactly like how they would for her. Loving them the exact same way they did for her! It wasn't fair! There was a sudden burst of green charging through her blood that made it boil.

She enjoyed playing when it was just her mama, Lauren, and Grammy but now seeing Kaila and Lain in the mix made her heart sink. There was no place for her in either woman's lap—at least none she wanted to be curled in.

While she loved Natalia's cuddles, the girl could only handle so much before she missed the motherly touch the women gave her. But now with Kaila and Lauren stealing all of it from them, there was nothing left.

"Faye?" Nina asked seeing Faye staring off into space as she was thinking.

Catching back up with reality she shook her head before grabbing all of the stuffed animals off the ground and running off into Natalia's room to play alone.

"Faye!" Nina yelled at her before she disappeared but the girl didn't listen. Instead she only picked up her pace as she tried her hardest not to drop any of her friends on the floor as she ran.

Both women stood with their respective girls and were about to charge off afterwards but Natalia stopped them. "Put Lauren and Kaila down. I'll watch them." She told the women. "I told you she's missed you both. This was bound to happen sooner or later. I'll watch the girls while you talk to her."

Placing the still tired girls on the couch Lauren whined reaching back out for Nina. "I know honey, I'll be right back okay. Look my moms gonna keep you company while I'm gone." She said as her mom got down on her knees between the girls.

Even Kaila protested as she grabbed ahold of Lain hand before she could get away, but the woman simply kissed the back of the girls soft hand before removing her grasp.

As women disappeared Natalia smiled. "Hello there." She said softly going to grab their hands. They only pulled away slightly before allowing the older woman to take hold of them. "We haven't properly been introduced yet, but I'm Natalia as you already know. I'm Nina's mother." Getting up to sit in between them she said gently, "if you girls ever need something or someone to talk to, I'm the one."

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