Chapter 42: Distractions

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As Lain was leaning against the kitchen counter drinking her cup of tea, she tried to hold back the tears that were already dropping from her eyes.

The only thing silencing her sniffles was the warm drink she was consuming.

In the middle of one gulp, Lain felt a small hand tug onto the bottom of her shirt. Startled she shot her head towards the culprit seeing Faye was standing besides her.

"Oh hey there princess." She turned away quickly to wipe away any stray tears on her face. "What're you doing up?" She swallowed her tears before asking her sweet girl that was moving closer to her in order to deliver a warm hug.

Smiling wide, Lain placed her tea down as she wrapped both of her free hands around Faye's hip and hugged the girl back.

"There's no better way to start the morning than with a nice big hug from my girl." She said pressing a kiss on top Faye's head.

Smiling sweetly Faye looked up towards the counter seeing Lain's special mug, that had a portrait of the couple, sitting close to the edge. "Can I have?" Faye asked looking back at Lain.

"You want tea? Don't you remember what happened last time baby? Why don't I get you some juice instead?" Lain asked.

But Faye insisted as she whined pointing towards the woman's cup wanting to have a sip of it.

"Well don't say I didn't warn you then. Make sure you blow on it, it's hot." She warned grabbing her mug and carefully bringing it over to the girls mouth.

Watching as Faye blew into her mug, she drank some of the liquid inside. Her face instantly cringed as she stuck her tongue out at it. Lain couldn't help but laugh. "I told you." She smiled as she spoke.

"Icky." The girl said while Lain was already starting to get her a sippy cup of apple juice.

Passing her new drink over she watched as Faye chugged down the beverage eagerly wanting to get the taste of the terrible flavored water out of her mouth.

Finally satisfied with the taste no longer lingering in her mouth, Faye held her arms up towards Lain. Being picked up and set on top the counter the two of them shared a morning drink with one another.

As nice as it was, seeing Faye was enough to remind Lain of the terrible deed she had done yesterday. The little girls face was so pure and innocent. She didn't deserve anything wrong in the world to come her way.

And yet here Lain stood, drinking away the guilt of her mental abandonment.

"Can we go to the park?" Faye asked bringing Lain out of her head.

"I'll talk to mama about it." Lain said with a forced smile.

"I can ask!" She said more than delighted as she jumped off the high counter on her own.

"Faye." The woman looked at her sternly. "You know not to be jumping off that. You could've asked first and I would've carried you down." She warned.

"Sorry mommy. I'm excited." She said as she bounced in place too thrilled at the thought of the park to stand still.

Pressing a kiss to the girls head, Lain pushed against her back lightly sending her up the stairs towards her sleeping wife.

With a moment of peace back to herself, Lain collected her thoughts in this time of zen.

Breathing deeply she tried to remind herself that her wrong doings last night were, in fact, justified. She had reason not to sully her good name in the eyes of her parents.

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