The Silence

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Do you ever notice how loud the silence can be?
It's really astonishing isn't it?

They created a room so quiet you can hear the blood moving in your veins but you can only be in this room for a few minutes or you'd start going insane.

Being isolated from other people for extended periods of time will also drive you to insanity.

But isn't it interesting that being alone for some time can be liberating?
Siting by yourself doing nothing just being, can be so refreshing.

It's weird that this can clear your mind and make difficult questions or decisions seem simpler and easier.

Isn't that so strange that the very things that can drive you insane can also heal you?

It's like a weird reset button for a lot people.

The silence can be so loud but that's also interesting when you think about it.

Silence is an odd thing don't you think?

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