Volcanic anger and rippiling dpression

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Boiling and bubbling it rages in my veins setting my blood a glowing red orange
Begging me to let it out searching and scrambling for an escape turning me to a mountain and my mouth the gaping hole to release the lava like onslaught
It's anger and rage of a destructive magnitude that even I am not wired to deal with
But the aggravated waves deeper in me than the molten rage battle against my blood threatening to drown me in a ocean of sorrow rippling across my bones in an icy rush taking me back in a mental confusion as the depressive waves and molten rage mingle into one leaving nothing but volcanic rock Harding around my heart closing me away from the world again and I can do nothing but watch in the hollow echoes of my mind.
Days like these I dread, days when if I'm not taken over by the depression or thrown into the deepest depths of some other emotion I'm left with a hard exterior blocking me and shutting me out from the world.
If not a chaotic mind swirling and spinning with every possible direction discovered then it's a hollow silence, it drives you mad every sound echoes in that hollow silence then disappears leaving you curious if it ever truly existed.
Today my being chose a volcanic rage and an icy ocean of depression and a hollow mind to mix how odd it is the way you work with a mental disorder and how overwhelmed you can become when emotions mix in a dance of utter chaos with absolutely no music to hear

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