Chapter 26

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Konohamaru was going on and about Naruto's invention at the breakfast table as the blond took notes on what to lessen and what to increase. Shikamaru was looking over the device with a dubious eye. It was far from what Konohamaru thought it would become and he was proven right when Naruto announced it was a toy.

"What, Nii-chan it's good for battling come on." Naruto shook his head. 

"Anyone who uses technology in such a way as a shinobi shouldn't have become one in the first place." He scolded his brother, he raised one finger and pointed at him. "It's never a good idea to use tools and drugs as a crutch in battles. So many things could go wrong, including you being wasted by what's in your system. So do the grind work there is no short cut to being a shinobi and since your aiming for Hokage then it's the long road for you." 

Konohamaru took his words like they were scriptures from a holy book. He looked at the Gauntlet and pushed it away. "So how are you going to make it into a toy the scroll cartridges you gave me actually dealt damage."

"I know but I'm working on a seal that would give the illusion of a jutsu being used." Naruto said leaning back in his chair. "It's like creating a new language. But I'll get it. After that Baa-chan only needs to sign off on it and production can begin."

"You know I haven't seen you invent a lot of things but the things that you do invent really boost our economy." Shikamaru said digging into the standard breakfast. Naruto gave a playful smirk.

"I don't mind showing prototypes of what I build or have in mind but I rather show it when it's in the testing stage. Right now some Anbu are being taught the new language I made. If they learn it successfully then it shall be added to the requirements to become an Anbu." Naruto was proud of the work he did, anything to better the village he loves dearly.

"So is there anything on the market now for me to test drive." Konohamaru bounced in his seat as Naruto thought of the few projects he brought home. 

"Kono your gonna need your ears pierced, tell the others to do the same. The earrings are in production now." He folded his arms in deep thought and it hit him. The medical ones he was working on. Honestly Naruto was swamped with so much work that he just crushed it into a box and tossed it in his mental recycle bin until the 30 days were almost up. "Actually I do but your already eating so it wouldn't work. I'll ask Baa-chan for some specific ninjas."

"What are you working on."

"A Food Pill." Naruto answered the curious boy.

"Nii-chan we already have food pills." Naruto shook his head.

"Yeah food pills which fill your gut, the ones I'm working on have been dipped in a series of healing compounds designed to active once in contact with stomach acid. I need to know which ones are most effective since I brewed so many. As for what's in my food pills you don't need to know. Just know it might not kill you." Naruto picked up the plates and dropped them in the washer. 

"That's reassuring." Konohamaru mumbled. "Last time Nii-chan gave anybody something to try they ended up with explosive shit coming out the ass." He laughed along with Shikamaru who looked between horrified and stunned. Naruto gave a sweet smile with deadly eyes.

"That's the fun of experimenting, you never know what to expect." He picked up his thick heavy notebook filled with ideas and made his way to the living room. The Uzumaki scrolls were still scattered about but he was making headway through them. It was mostly about the clan's first settlements and so forth but they were getting close, closer to the deal which was made between the kitsune and the Uzumaki. It was quite an interesting thing to read about such a powerful clan which fell apart due to the shinobi war. 

"Well let's get going, Konohamaru has a few days of so were heading to the hospital." Naruto said picking up an ink pot of the coffee table. "What do you have for the day Shikamaru?" 

"I think I'm going to stay here and dig up anymore useful information, I'll get in contact with you if I discover anything." Shikamaru said and made a motion to the earring he was wearing. Naruto had kept two pairs for himself and gave one to Shikamaru. That made him set a mental note to get three more for his little siblings.

"Alright we'll be home later." Konohamaru said and both boys left. 


Naruto's office in the hospital was just as large as the one back in the TI sector. When he was in there nobody was allowed to disturb him unless Lady Tsunade sent explicit instructions for him to operate on a specific patient. With his knowledge of Seals and Medicine he could take on anything that came to him on a metal bed regardless of his defect. 

Konohamaru was an extension of Naruto by choice. When he was old enough to understand Naruto's situation he dedicated himself to Naruto even more. When it came to using the mystical palm in medical procedures Konohamaru was there by his brother's side ready to step in. The village loved them a lot. The Honorable Grandson and the Honorable Son were seen as gems for the village. 

They were hauled up in the office Naruto drilling his little brother on medical knowledge while they went through basic healing routines.  Naruto went behind his drafting table and laid down some seal paper. He re-filled his ink pot and fluffed his brushes. Behind him were shelves of commonly used Seals in healing. He did a quick check to see what he was running low on since he supplied the whole hospital and begun to make more.

They were in relative silence the only sound being Konohamaru's sigh of frustration when he made a simple error and Naruto's brush strokes. After a while Naruto looked up from his work to look over at his little brother. "Konohamaru." He called, said boy looked up while still continuing his work.

"Something bad is going to happen. And it's going to happen soon." He said it casually but Konohamaru knew him for a long time and could see the slight worry he had on his face, but it wasn't worry for his situation. Naruto never worried for his situation, he was worried for others he considered family. "If I die can you do me a favor?"

Konohamaru dropped his healing to gape at him. "Nii-chan you aren't going to die." He said with a shaky voice. Naruto shrugged and motioned for him to come closer. He didn't hesitate. "Nii-chan what's happening."

"People want what I have inside, they want Kurama. They're coming." He connected there foreheads. "If I don't make it out alive I want you to promise me something." He idly brushed Konohamaru's tears that were steadily making there way down his face.

"Promise you what?"

"That you will  become Hokage, I know your carrying my torch Kono but you've got your goals to meet. Also look out for Shikamaru and your siblings. Look out for the family, keep them together." Naruto kissed his forehead and cuddled the boy that broke down in his arms.

"Nii-chan!" Konohamaru yelled in his jacket. Naruto knew he wouldn't survive when they came for him. Someone like him with such a defect could never win against someone with a normal chakra network. He could hold his own against such powerful forces but not win. He would run out of chakra before them from the amount seals he would have to spam. But that's what being a shinobi is about. You won't always win your fights and sometimes you might not come back alive. When you don that headband at 12 or whatever age you become you sign an invisible warrant that you would gladly die for your village.

'A fucked up decision for a young child to make but we all made it and we can only hope and pray to the heavens that our love ones come home safely.' Naruto stared at the wall blankly as he allowed his shirt to soak in salt water sprouting from Kono's eyes due to hard truths.

"I love you." Naruto murmured, he felt the young boy freeze in his arms and had to stifle the urge to smile. He didn't throw out those words often, he really didn't or else they would lose meaning. So when he said them you know he meant them.

"I love you too." Konohamaru sniffled. "So please come home." Naruto didn't reply and only hugged him tighter.

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