Chapter 30

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Naruto was known for a lot of things, a torture specialist, a seal healer, the Honorable son, the brother of the Honorable Grandson so on and so on. But only a few knew him as a sex demon he could wreck anybody he took to bed and he had done the same to his now permanent lover Shikamaru. Despite his reputation it was partially Shikamaru's fault for two things. One riding for your first time is painful and two he took it dry.

"You deserve this." Naruto said waking the other to eat. Shikamaru let out a small yelp as he sat up. "I wanted to take your first time slow, gentle, a little bit romantic but nope you just had to be a hungry virgin and take it in one go."

"Stop I already feel like shit since I couldn't wait for you to confess." He said taking the tray. "But Ino pushed my wrong button and it just spurred me on to have sex with you."

"Shikamaru never think for a second I would leave you for a piece of ass. I'm committed to you and even if your insecure I'll just keep proving myself to you." He said softly and kissed him. Shikamaru held back his tears as he welled with so many emotions for this one boy. Naruto pulled back and dried his tears.

"Eat baby I'll heal you up after." Naruto got up and headed out to eat breakfast with Konohamaru. 

"Have any missions today?" Naruto asked sitting around the table drinking hot whiskey. It helped in making him calm or maybe Baa-chan just rubbed off more than she should. Konohamaru smiled at him and nodded excitedly.

"The Chunin exams are coming in January so we're training all through winter." He looked up from his plate nervously. "Nii-chan do you think you could train me too? Not in medical ninjutsu but can you teach me a new attack?"

"I'll be happy to, consider it a Christmas gift saves me money." Naruto joked.

"No I still want my gift you aren't getting out of that. You promised me." He said marching up to him. Naruto hugged him and grinned.

"Alright alright I was just joking relax. I wouldn't do that to you." Konohamaru pouted and hugged him back, swaying on his feet a bit. "Come prepared when you have a free day I'll start your training then."

"Good, now I'm heading out, see you guys tonight." He pulled back and ran around to get dressed before running out.


"What exactly am I sitting in?" Shikamaru asked as he splashed around in the dark green water. It was warm and very appreciated if his ass had anything to say about it. Naruto sat on the edge with his feet in the water  grinding up something in a small bowl.

"It's a healing compound designed to heal bruises faster and in this case making you look less like an animal mauled you." Naruto said motioning for him to come closer. Shikamaru floated across and kneeled between his legs. "Give me your neck." On instinct Naruto grabbed him and took a deep breath at the moan that came out from the other. "This paste is for the puncture wounds, don't want them infected." 

He tilted the other's neck and carefully applied the substance before letting him go. "Let it rest for five minutes then you can fully soak again." Shikamaru nodded and rest his head at Naruto's inner thigh.

"I have to ask since I feel them whenever I grip you but what's with the scars on your back." Shikamaru didn't see Naruto's expression but he certainly felt him tense. "You don't have to answer if you don't want to but I'm just concerned and curious."

"I was kidnapped shortly after my mother hung herself. When word had gotten out that Dad was dead his enemies came breaching the Leaf for me. They wanted me for different reasons. A stud, to torture me because I looked so much like my Dad and others were perverts who wanted to traffic me into the sex ring. Apparently back then I was so cute old men and women wanted to touch me in ways I've never experienced." Shikamaru cringed as Naruto told him in this empty detached voice. 

"Iwa had taken me though, it was said that in the Third Shinobi war my father killed a thousand of their ninja so in return they whipped his child a thousand times. More was added depending on how much family each ninja left behind one whip for each family member who was grieving. That Tsuchikage looked me in the eye as his men dealt the blows and I knew then I would have to get revenge. I am not my father and I didn't even know of his so called crime until I was caught." Naruto clenched the bath rim and continued.

"When Baa-chan and Pervy Sage finally made it my back was ruined and my opinion of world had gotten a lot darker. I think that was a pivotal point in my personality development. Baa-chan healed me but she couldn't take away the scars both physically and mentally. I became a lot more sadistic from then on and my reputation in the shinobi underground became tales of sadism. No one dared to judge seeing as it was due to 'trauma' that I became this way. So that's the story, Iwa wanted to hang me for my father's 'crime'."

"It was a fucking war what do you expect and it was Iwa's fault for declaring it in the first place. He was only defending his home land, besides both sides lost casualties and you don't see us blaming anybody." Shikamaru snapped and Naruto had to stroke his cheeks to calm him down.

"Calm down." Naruto laughed as he watched his brows furrow in confusion and his body tense in anger. "I got revenge when I turned 11."

"What did you do?" Shikamaru cocked his head to the sided and Naruto chuckled darkly. "I'm starting to regret asking you that."

"Dad, the pervert had a spy network which always kept tabs on Iwa ever since that day and discovered that this man had a daughter who was celebrating her birthday in a neutral village with some friends. He told me and gave me a tanto. I snuck out of the village and didn't come back for a week, when I came back I was covered in blood. I skinned her back, killed her friends and I left her nailed outside Iwa's gate on a tree." Naruto gave a crazed smile.

"She became a ninja even after that and swears to kill me to this day." 

"Does she know it was you?" Shikamaru asked concerned. Naruto shook his head.

"I'm not that stupid I had disguised myself but since her back was the only area I skinned her father knows it was me or someone close to me. An eye for an eye, in this case my eye was innocent but he still gouged it out of my socket." He felt Shikamaru shiver and he grinned and kissed him. "Honey your in love with a murderer." 

"And oddly enough I don't feel any different towards you. Like you said when you and my father clashed. We all have a body count." He said against their still connected lips. 

"Would you let me fuck you in blood?" Naruto asked giggling, Shikamaru pulled back cringing.

"And there goes that moment." He said pulling back and and submerging in the compound. Naruto watched him, his eyes glowing with mischief as he stripped and joined the other. 

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