Chapter 36

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The blond in question couldn't answer, he tried to but the blood wouldn't stop coming up his throat. His eyes refused to focus so he couldn't see Shikamaru crying over him,  his ears were ringing so loud he kept on flinching whenever something went off in the background. He felt like shit, well it's to be expected. Him and Kurama were put through the ringer with Pein. If he died then he would die knowing the Leaf would be protected forever by the seal he enacted to prevent Pein from literally doing his mass destruction. 

'Y-You know I never wanted to spend the new year like this.' He couldn't voice his thoughts his throat was choked up with thick blood sloshing about. 'Just wanted to stay in bed, cuddle with Kono on the sofa later and cook a bunch of stupid shit with you guys.' He turned to  the direction of Shikamaru who he could sense and reached out for him but he passed up before he could confirm whether or not the Nara was there. 

This morning had turned to shit when one of Jiraiya's sources in the Akastsuki, a low class member sent word that Pein was coming. Coming to destroy the Leaf in one swift move. They wanted the Uzumaki within the walls. They were finally coming for Naruto since all the other Uzumaki they have managed to find were dead or still clever at hiding. The entire village was evacuated and relocated to the secret catacombs beneath the Hokage faces. Next was the preservation of the Village, it would be a fucking disaster to have the Village flattened. Citizens might seek refuge with enemy villages. They could fucking collapse from something like this. 

So in the center of the village Naruto got to work painstakingly drawing a seal to keep them from launching direct and indirect attacks. The seal itself would be in the form of a barrier in a sphere form. Full coverage. It was self sustaining and required a great deal of chakra but once activated it would feed itself. He made it just in time.

"Almighty Push!" Everything went to shit. 

Between the clashes of  6 different Pein, listening to eternal bullshit which was about achieving peace through causing suffering and making sure the catacomb entry was well guarded with seals and ninja it was just a cluster fuck. In a desperate attempt to level the playing field Kurama did the unthinkable. He forcefully pulled Naruto's chakra into his body and grew to full size. He was damn lucky they were outside of the barrier because property damage was not cheap. Naruto would like to enjoy his money when he got old and gray. 

Naruto knew leaders of their own in the summoning realm were bigger, stronger but what he was seeing with Kurama was beyond imagination. His clan didn't have pushovers as partners. Kurama made a fox fire tornado which swept up the distractor Pein clones and burned them to a crisp while creating a diversion for the original. Through a mind link Kurama explained his plan.

"But I can't use chakra like that." Naruto countered once heard the full plan.

"When Children were blessed with a second chakra network the only way to access it was if you had complete control of the original. I can grant you access to your second network, the defect lies within the natural chakra network."

"Which means if you grant me a bypass I can perform ninjutsu normally."

"It won't be normal, I can get you to bypass the original network, but since you have no experience with using chakra, my raw chakra is going to eat at your flesh." Naruto smirked.

"I can handle it all I ask is that you regulate my chakra control so the ninjutsu come out flawlessly." He asked turning to his bestfriend. 

"Consider it done, I shall now fuse us together temporarily." Kurama picked him up and swallowed him. Naruto shiver in disgusted but it all faded as he blacked out. 

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