Chapter 18

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Screams could be heard from within Naruto's personal dungeon. Ino and Choji were watching from behind a clear glass as Naruto picked apart the two prisons piece by piece. The jar of clear liquid was blood stopper to prevent them from bleeding out whenever Naruto made a jagged incision. The blond looked elegantly calm as he practically caressed the left feet of Gozu. The skin was peeled off to reveal pumping blood vessels which Naruto watched like a hawk as he hovered his scalpel over both blue and red veins.

Funny thing is both brothers were numb to the pain of being sliced into but yet they continued to scream as if they were actually in pain. Naruto had learned a long time ago that feeling pain doesn't measure up to imagining it. Imaginations are wild brain waves which can hit any cognitive function to bring forth any type of emotion. Just imagine if you were in Gozu's position. Seeing your feet being pulled apart like cutting cake wouldn't you scream?

And that's how the fun comes in. To see these two go bat shit crazy when the real thing hasn't even started. As much as Naruto enjoyed screaming he hated these screams. They weren't melodious like Shikamaru's. And that made him angry, these bastards poisoned his baby. Naruto's body moved on it's own and stabbed the scalpel dead center in his chest. "If you don't shut up I'll gut you and force feed you your own shit." Naruto pulled it out and blood splashed all over his top. It didn't register to the blond but it did to the ones who were watching him.

"I think Naruto has Antisocial Personality Disorder." Ino said as she covered her mouth in horror as Naruto went back to skinning them alive. "All the signs were hidden in plain sight."

"Ino I don't think that's it. Sure he shows some signs of being Antisocial but he doesn't check every box for it." Choji said to stop her from rushing to conclusions. 

"What are you talking about!? Just look at him." Ino said with rationality. "Disregard for right and wrong, callous, cynical and downright disrespectful, impulsiveness, violating the rights of others through intimidation and dishonesty. Those are situations that I've seen Naruto in I wouldn't be surprised if he had used his charm and wit to manipulate Shikamaru for his personal gain."

As Ino rambled on she didn't know Naruto could hear her. The blond had to roll his eyes, he had to admit he was waiting to see which one of Shikamaru's friends would notice that he was off. It was something Baa-chan always told him. He felt weird to be around unless you actually knew him, the weird was not a good one. Especially since he had the bad habit to glare at people with dead man's eyes. But to clear the air he was Borderline Antisocial. 

He's actually been aware of it ever since his mother died. He quickly learned that people pitied him for his fate. Imagine the Fourth Hokage's son orphaned at a mere six years old. And to top it off he had a chakra defect. They thought it was wise to shower him with anything he wanted just to so call ease his pain. It was then he realized he could use them for personal gain, it was then he descended into a dark place. 

Anything offered to him he took, clothes, money, food, gear, knowledge just anything. Down to the apartment given to him was a birthday gift from one of the council members. In return for the support he got despite being rich already from his inheritance he decided to make use of his brain. He went to Jiji a really kind man, the only one at the time who never pitied him and asked to be placed into the Torture and Intelligence Core. 

Soon he learnt from his seniors and took on his father's knack for seals, he was stumbling in the dark that is until he met his second parents. Lady Tsunade Senju otherwise known as Princess Tsunade and Jiraiya the perverted Toad Sage Sanin. They came along with the intent to raise him and they did a great job in Naruto's perspective. Even though he learnt how to chug booze and still not be wasted by the time he was 9 and discovered the buried pervert he had within thanks to Dad he still turned out damn well. They weren't considered parent material by the village since they had bad habits which he inherited but in Naruto's eyes he got what he wanted after his biological parents died. 

He wanted a family, he still wanted Christmas pictures taken, he wanted his milestones appreciated and marked by someone. They had given what he needed most during his time of suffering and that made them perfect parents in his eyes. No one else in the village could see that he still wanted his hand to be held by his mother, to split ice pops just like he had with his father. To have family dinner, no one could see he was still just a child.

But despite them being his parents it couldn't stop the seed of his out look on life when emotional factors were playing a role. He would now look in disgust when anyone cried in grief from losing a parent due to ninja life. 'Get over it already they already knew they would die when they joined the career.' Was his thoughts when he saw a funeral being held for a faceless shinobi.

But here was where he turned into a hypocrite, he could count the times he cried for a shinobi he considered family and he could see the future tears he would spill for the ones that were alive now. He was the one wailing when Jiji died due to his former student and former friend of his parents killed him. He cried for his father silently and downright sobbed into the pavement for his mother. If he was to be honest should Tsunade or Jiraiya die but not of natural causes he would be missing from the funeral. Why, he would be out hunting for the ones that placed them in the casket ahead of time. 

He smiled a bit as the rambling of Ino and Choji faded away since they decided to check on Shikamaru. Yes he had tendencies of a person with Antisocial Personality Disorder but that was just it, tendencies. "I'm mixed with a lot more than just one mental disorder but at the end of the day, I'm still connected to my emotions and as long as I still have that connection I still consider myself human." Naruto murmured as he severed the viens in Gozu's foot. The screams would be heard for the next three days as Naruto sorted out the organs and body pieces of both brothers.

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