Chapter 10

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Light snores could be heard from within Shikamaru's room. They weren't coming from the raven, no they were coming from the golden haired boy he had hauled up in his room. They slept in the semi large bed curled against each other. Naruto spooned him tightly while Shikamaru held onto the hands holding him with a small smile on his lips. Naruto's ears twitched slightly as he heard soft footsteps padding their way but he could bother to get up and put himself through the window like how he did last night. 

It was a sleeping date and he would sleep until the last possible second. He pulled Shikamaru in closer as the door opened. A startled gasp could be heard followed by running footsteps away from the scene. Shikamaru cursed as he pulled away from Naruto's arms. 

"Shikaku!" The woman could be heard yelling from downstairs.

"Shit," Shikamaru cursed pulling on a shirt, Naruto turned his back and continued sleeping. Naruto couldn't be bothered so when Shikamaru rubbed along his spinal scar he groaned and turned to face the other. He was met with a worried face.

"What's wrong if they know?" Naruto asked with a raised eyebrow, Shikamaru kissed him softly before heading downstairs. "Shikamaru answer me." But was met with silence. He groaned and got up and pulled on a shirt as he followed his lover downstairs.

Naruto nearly rolled his eyes at the scene. 'Of course he had homophobic parents.' Shikamaru seemed to sense his thoughts because he turned around with a cautious smile. "They aren't homophobic I'm just the next in line and I have to produce an heir."

Naruto clicked his teeth at that. "That makes everything alright now does it. And like it or not my reputation proceeds me,"

Before Shikamaru could even question that Shikaku was already lining Naruto up with a glare. "Indeed it does. And I don't want my son associated with it." Naruto chuckled lowly.

"Nara-san I get you don't like how I approach things but you must admit it, it's always turned out for the best." Naruto said with a sly smile as Shikaku gripped him by the front of his shirt.

"I don't want you around my son." Shikaku said lowly, Naruto tilted his head. "Your disgusting-"

"Is that anyway to treat your best friend's son." Naruto said pulling himself to eye level with the man. "The one you were suppose to take in. The one you promised to raise while he choked on his own blood in his death bed. I looked you in the eye while you promised that." Naruto chuckled darkly.

"You hung me to dry and what became of me? I hauled myself to somewhere with the scent of home. The scent of home to me is Blood. Human Blood." Naruto smirked darkly. "And I love the scent of your son's own." That earned him a smack across the face, he fell with that but was immediately hounded by Shikamaru who pulled him into his chest protectively. Naruto smirked at the glaring man as he kissed the raven's neck discreetly.

"What happened to your father I will forever regret and in turn the same goes for your mother who committed a selfish act a month later-"

"She hung herself in the living room! I'm the one who found her!" Naruto yelled. "I never asked you for anything after they were buried and you didn't offer nor fulfil your promise. So I did what I had to, to survive. And I turned out damn well in my opinion." 

"Minato and Kushina would be proud of you despite all the odds were against you but that doesn't change how you are now." Shikaku growled. "Naruto were did the happy blond go? All I see before me now is a guarded person who has a high bloodlust and doesn't mind killing should the need arise."

Naruto threw his head back in laughter with a smile. "And it's my fault. Hey blame it on the founders of shinobi. If you train children to one day fight in pointless war then how do you expect them to turn out. We all have a body count, every last one who has shinobi branded on their names. I just happen to have my count started at a very young age." 

Shikamaru stayed with Naruto in his arms as he absorbed what was being exchanged. Why would his father abandon Naruto? Especially since he promised Naruto's dad that he would look after him. He stood up and pulled Naruto along with him. "Shikamaru get away from him."

"No." Shikamaru back fired, Shikaku raised his brows at the defiance. Up until that moment Shikamaru never argued with his father because his reasoning made sense to the young Nara. But this situation, this reasoning had damaged Naruto in the process. "Dad, your reasoning for doing this to Naruto is fucked. I'm not leaving him, I like him."

Naruto held onto Shikamaru's hand before letting go. Shikamaru looked up confused, Naruto gave a small smile. "Shikamaru I won't have you choose between your family and me. Your father may have wronged me or rather my father put his trust in the wrong best friend but he's your father and tries to do what's best for you. Love him."

Naruto then turned to Shikaku with a determined look. "I like your son, I won't deny that. I don't know if I'll come to love him. But I care enough not to let him choose between me and you. Now don't get it twisted, if he chooses to stay with your decision then fine so be it but know that if he comes to me I'll do what I can to make him happy." Naruto smirked.

"Have a good day." Naruto gave a curt nod and headed out.

Shikamaru turned to his mother a gave a heavy sigh. "Thanks for ruining my date." He turned and headed upstairs to get ready to hunt Naruto down. His father came up there with a deep frown. "Dad if your going to tell me what happened between you, Lord Fourth and Naruto just don't. Do it when I bring him for dinner at a later date. I disagree with what you did back there, I like him. I want to see where things go with him so please give me this one thing. Just give me Naruto."

Shikaku sighed deeply before pulling his son in an embrace. "Do what makes you happy, just know your old man will always love you despite everything. Now go to him, I have two graves I need to visit."

"Dad, it's never too late to step up in the promise." Shikamaru said softly and pulled away from the hug. "I'll tell Naruto the same since your both stubborn," Shikaku laughed as he watched his son chase after the blond decoder.

'Never too late, I hope your right.'

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