Chapter 2

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Shikamaru sighed as he headed down the streets going to the TI department. It had been two days since he's met and seen Naruto. He was sent to go there on order of Lady Tsunade who said Naruto requested his presence. He had no idea why the blond wanted him but he decided the sooner he did it the better. He got to the iron door that was located in a hidden area at the base of the Hokage Monument. Despite the foreboding aura when the door opened inside was bright. It led slightly underground but a few windows were around though in odd places.

He soon came across the main desk, a guy in plain gray uniform was manning the station. "Hey I'm here to see Naruto Uzumaki." The guy looked surprised but quickly masked it.

"Third right, last door at the end of hall." The man said directing Shikamaru. The Nara nodded and followed the directions. The door at the end of the hall had the blond's name engraved in the metal, he opened the door and was met with a massive room that was littered with scrolls, papers, maps, food supplies etc. It was like a apartment penthouse in size and a workaholics dream in terms of work.

He closed the door behind him which gave a small thud. A groan was heard in the room and Shikamaru was drawn to the extremely large desk in the far back of the room, behind the desk was a large map pinned to the wall, it had several colors all over it indicating who knows what. Shikamaru was drawn to the blond who had his head down on the desk.

"Naruto I'm here," Shikamaru said softly, he observed the blond lift his head slowly. Naruto blinked a couple times before sighing.

"Get over here," The deep sleep riddled voice said, Shikamaru found himself complying. He stood infront of the blond's desk and noted that three of the scrolls were open and were transcribed. Naruto rubbed the sleep out of his eyes and begun an explanation to what the scrolls contained.

Hoshigakure was smart indeed but they had holes Konoha could exploit. "Now, here's where we get lucky, the first scrolled contained the dates that they planned to launch attacks. Even if by now that they discovered that the scrolls were missing it would be too late to form a new one so expect them to double their forces." Naruto said in a sleepy tone. He handed over the three srcolls. "Give those to Granny and have them assemble necessary forces, duly note you need to be on the team, should you ever raid them and get info I need your good memory."

"What about the other two?" Shiakamaru asked as he gestured to the others that were on his table.

"I'll have those ready by tomorrow I fell asleep. My bad, my internal clock is fucked." Naruto shrugged his shoulders. Shikamaru nodded and looked at the room which was littered with intelligence.

"How do you get anything done in here." Shikamaru wondered out loud. Naruto smirked a bit.

"It's how I process things." Naruto said looking around. "I do clean it once a month if that helps." Shikamaru laughed. "Laugh it up lazy ass, I need some food. I'll walk with you." Naruto got out of his seat and Shikamaru noted he was still in the same outfit but no trench coat or blade. 

He noted the blond had a muscular body to go with his height. Naruto stretched a bit to shake the sleep from his bones before leading Shikamaru out. The first stop was obviously the Hokage Tower since it was close to the department hidden in the Monument rock. They headed into her office to see the room packed with Shikamaru's friends arguing about something.

Lady Tsunade looked to Naruto who looked confused as to why. "Baa-chan what's wrong?" 

"They're eager to get to Suna to protect their friends there." Tsunade explained, Naruto tilted his head as he observed them.

"I suppose this is the group I would've graduated with if I had taken normal routes?" Naruto asked, Lady Tsunade nodded at that. "Interesting but whatever. I have decoded three out of the five scrolls. Luckily the first one had the dates for the attacks, now you can intercept them. Also can you let the Nara be on one of those expeditions, his memory is greatly needed." 

"Sure no problem." Tsunade said and motioned for the scrolls. She opened them and skimmed through them, Naruto leaned on the wall waiting for his release. "Naruto come over here." Naruto obeyed as he noted all the eyes watching him closely. "Are you sure about this one?" Lady Tsunade pointed to a specific route the enemy planned to take.

"I'm positive," Naruto replied folding his arms. "I even mapped it out just to make sure, they plan to use that route because no one does. You wouldn't expect someone entering the Sand via ocean because it's never been attempted. But it's possible." 

"If that's the case we need ninja out there now," Tsunade said urgently. "I need a platoon of Anbu, Shizune write a letter to the Kazekage informing on the situation, use the fastest bird we have."

"Hai Milady," The raven haired woman said running out of the room.

"Naruto, excellent as always." Tsunade complimented. "Where are the rest."

Naruto rubbed his neck. "Sorry Baa-chan, I fell asleep but I'll get it to you tomorrow."

"Thank you Naruto, after this you'll have a few vacation days." The big breasted woman promised, Naruto melted under the thought of sleeping.

"Thanks Baa-chan, I'm heading out to eat I haven't had a meal since I got those." That earned him a slap over the head. "Hey you said it was time sensitive! Don't hit your best decoder." 

"It's because your the best decoder that you should watch your health," She snarled and opened a drawer to pull out an envelope. "Here, it's on me this time." Naruto shook his head as he was shoved money in his hands.

"Thanks Baa-chan." Naruto said before turning to the Nara. "Let's go Shikamaru," Naruto took the Nara by his collar and proceeded to drag him along. 

"I didn't agree to go to lunch with you," Shikamaru protested. Naruto only snorted and continued dragging him.

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