Chapter 38

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The sound of lapping water echoed throughout the room as the wet smacking of lips filled the void. A hand reached down into the pool and tore the seal off the bottom of the pool. The water stopped cooling and Naruto's body still being a bit warm the temperature became a lot more tolerable for his lover to be pulled in. Shikamaru shivered a bit as the chilly water freezes his body a bit but melted when Naruto's hands came to warm him up. 

"Did you miss me?" Naruto whispered against his lips. He was finally awake, a month since the Pein incident  and he was finally awake and kicking. "I love you."

Shikamaru felt like his world was collapsing in the best way possible. He smiled against Naruto's lips and kissed him back. "I love you too." They stayed that way in the slowly warming water. Gentle kisses that slowly turned into love sessions but mellowing out back into kisses. 

"You're still sick."

"I'm not sick, I just have post battle fever. I'll be fine." Naruto chided with a little scoff. He slipped his hands beneath his wet shirt and cupped his chest. Shikamaru gasped a bit as he felt the blond twirl his sensitive buds within his finger tips. "Right now all I want is you." He lifted the soaked shirt over his head and Naruto went treasure hunting. 

"Naruto not too much your still in the hospital." Shikamaru moaned, Naruto was marking him with dark purple bruises as his hands continued to grope him. "If you keep doing that I'm going to lose my head."

"That's exactly what I want, to snap you. The only thing that should be knocking around in that pretty mind is 26 ways to get me pumping you full of me." Naruto placed his lips right beneath his ear with a smirk. "Besides it's not like you hate it." Naruto's hands cupped his and intertwined their hands. Shikamaru was trembling but not because of the cold water, it's because of how true Naruto's words were. "You were warned, you ignored and took a plunge and now your stuck with me. I'll make you happy, believe me I will but your going to be broken in so many ways that I'll be source of your dreams and nightmares crashing together."

"Yes" Shikamaru found himself saying as he laid in the crook of Naruto neck. Naruto's smirk turned sinister as he wrapped his arms around him. "I want you to carve into me when you get out."

"Hmm this is a first, anything in mind." Naruto kissed his naked shoulder. "Or should I carve what I think should be in your skin." 

"You carve what you think should be there I just want to feel you between my legs crafting your master pieces." Naruto smiled and got up with Shikamaru still in his arms. He stepped out of the pool and carried him to his office. They got in the shower, a cold one for Naruto's sake and dressed in night wear before Naruto spooned him. 

"Hey Shikamaru," Naruto slurred as he felt himself dipping in sleep. The Nara hummed as he felt Naruto's arms tightened around him. "Welcome to the family." His eyes snapped open but all he could do was feel the rise and fall of Naruto's chest and the warm breath that gently caressed his neck. It felt right to hear those words and before he knew it he was crying. Softly so Naruto wouldn't be worried, he was just happy.


Lady Tsunade's eyes twitched as she followed the wet footprints towards her sons office. She peaked inside and saw no one but the sleeping area they had was left ajar. Her face morphed into a smile as she closed the office door and hastily walked to the other door. She pushed it open and cooed. Naruto was spooning Shikamaru and Shikamaru was spooning Konohamaru. Konohamaru must've left early from the Hokage Mansion because he was over yesterday. She stepped inside and gingerly laid her hand on his forehead. Naruto was still a bit warm but he was out of the woods for now. She sat by his bedside and waited for them to wake up.

Naruto was the first to get up, he noticed the addition and stretched over to comb through Konohamaru's hair. The boy leaned into the touch and it made him smile. Naruto then kissed Shikamaru's cheek before sitting up to hug his mother who finally broke and cried into his chest. "Never and I mean never scare me like that again." 

"I'm sorry Momma, sorry you had to endure the blood." Tsunade trembled in his grasp as a haunted look overtook her face. 

"You're my family Naruto, my little baby boy don't you dare try leaving me here with that crazy pervert!" She cried, Naruto smiled and fondly stroked her blond hair. A little knock came from the door and Jiraiya came through with Kurama in his arms. 

"Well a month in the summoning realm did him wonders really." He said as Kurama jumped from his grasp and around Naruto's neck. 

"Hey buddy don't go eating me again." Naruto chided with a joking tone. Kurama nuzzled into his whiskered cheek and Naruto nuzzled right back which caused the kitsune to purr. Tsunade watched the display with a slightly twisted mind set. 

"You really do behave like a wild animal." She murmured as her eyes drifted over to Shikamaru. "I wonder if it's a crime to have sex with a hybrid."

"I am not a hybrid, I take offense." 

"Naruto you go feral at random intervals." Jiriaya scolded with a slight smack on his head. "Speaking of which you still feel a bit warm."

"Post fever, I won't relapse I promise." Naruto leaned into the large hand on his head and smiled.

"I know you won't it's good to have you back, should've seen yourself when you came in from the field. Hell you should've seen the village." He said sitting beside Naruto on the bed. "All the tears over seeing the honorable son beaten and broken but still gave his all to protect them. It was like you were the Hokage."

"Well I am a former Hokage's son," Naruto shrugged. He was glad that there was no casualties, he could rest easy knowing that everyone in the village was fine. But he sighed a bit knowing that the village has been reverted back to when he had just lost his parents. "Now they're going to be singing my praises for the rest of my life."

"Hey least your getting free food." Jiraiya tutted. 

"And sake when you reach legal age." Tsunade scoffed. Naruto smiled at them and turned when he felt a small palm on his lower back. It was Konohamaru.

"Hey buddy, I see you've been helping Mom save for the last month." Naruto lifted him over Shikamaru and hugged him tightly. "I'm proud of you Kono, your my perfect heir."

"Don't say shit like that until a year has passed from now. At least then I'll know that your really okay." Was the muffled reply as Konohamaru buried his face in his heated neck. "You need to go back in."

"What it's-"

"I wasn't asking." Was the sharp reply of his younger Brother. Naruto recoiled a bit in shock until he saw the glistening tears from him. "Please for me." 

"Fine I'll go back into the water." He conceded. "I gotta hand it to you, that seal was amazing." 

"You have Shikamaru to thank for that, his hands aren't as steady but he was the one to invent it. Kono here just drew it with his steady hands." Tsunade praised as she saw the Nara stirring awake. 

"Huh, my future husband is really brilliant isn't he?" Naruto said in a careless tone, however the words seemed to stun the others minus Shikamaru who was still in a sleepy state. "What, you didn't think I'd leave him did you? Shikamaru is probably the most innocent partner I'll ever have, can't leave this angel to walk amongst the commoners." 

"And this is coming from the devil himself." Jiraiya muttered rolling his eyes. Naruto smirked and nudged him a bit. 

"Come now I was once angelic." He prodded the old man with his finger to get him to admit it.

"Sure, when you were a brat walking around with your little toys and wearing Minato's Hokages' robes in the streets." Tsunade perked up with a smile.

"Nobody could get him out of the thing and Minato encouraged it to the fullest. He was so cute running around. Now however, he's a sadistic asshole. And he quite enjoys it." 

And the morning continued like that, Tsunade and Jiraiya spit roasting the literal rays of demonic sunshine that was their son while he held Konohamaru and Kurama in his lap with one hand combing through Shikamaru's curls. If anyone was looking in from the outside they would see the smiles of a happy family but sadly something else was on the horizon. 

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