chapter 18: im bakugo now😏

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2nd person pov

From the moment he saw you he knew you had something special might he dare say

Not 🤪like😤 other😋 girls 🥺

Jk she would kill him if he said that

But he doesnt know what it was...It was something about you, your vibe

When he first saw you, you where starring at him he couldn't figure out why maybe you where judging him trying to analyze something soo like the defensive little bitch he was he called you out on it....of course that completely backfired when you called him a "cutie"

He was shocked really no one had used that word to describe him. Katsuki Bakugo has always been described as top dog, powerful, a guy who was full of potential

So when you used a nickname that you would describe a baby he was embarrassed but intrigued.

You would bother him with shit but he couldn't tell you to fuck off he...he liked it

He payed attention to every word that came out of your mouth every step you took. You where quit funny and weird you would say shit like "I wanna yeet myself off a building" and play it out as a joke which would go unnoticed by everyone except for him he really worried.

The first time he saw you break down was when he realized your little haha I hate myself werent a joke and that you needed at least some help. That day he held you while you cried about closing motivation and shit like that.

That same day he heard gagging in the was you, you had been caught sliva handed. He couldn't believe his eyes the girl who made him blush the girl who gave him compliments one of the only people let alone girls that approached him was hurting themselves and he didn't want that.

He wanted to help to you and so he did

He checked up on you asked you how you where doing took time put of his day to talk to you he literally went out of his way to get you and pay for a  therapist.

And he actually started to care about you.

So that day at the park when you told him you where getting married to the icy hot bastard it broke his heart because he knew that you where hurting.

Even if you played it off as a joke he knew that you hated it I mean your parents where taking your choice away from you and that must've hurt.

He couldn't do anything about it.

Now at the time he didnt know why he said because tHe PeRsOn ThAt I lOvE or whatever he said but that just kinda came out because he didnt know what the hell to do.

But now he knew lol

When you asked to train with him he of course accepted it you where a strong opponent and you where a FRIEND

At the end of the training when yall had that indie coming of age movie type beat talk about your future and how it was going to suck he only found himself more fond of you.

Interested in your annoying self.

He wanted to protect you from all harm.

But was confused when you said you wanted to do t he same thing.

Cause after the internships during that stupid race thing he had a panic attack and no one notice but you did.

You helped him you got him away from that awful situation even of both of yall where going to get in trouble for skipping you didnt care and helped him anyways.

The fact that you started SINGING was something else.

He loved it

He loved you

That's when he realized it

Cause you weren't pitting him you where helping him because you cared not because of his quirk not because of his power but because of him.

And you still tried to help him

With your stupid wiki how article and your stupid questions

Your stupid compliments and gestures

You really cared

And he loved that

But you where taken and he couldn't do anything

He wouldn't have your warm smile he wouldn't have your beautiful laugh he wouldn't have your angelic voice he wouldn't have your beautiful e/c eyes and he wouldn't be able to say you where his and he was yours.

Instead someone else had that

Someone who didnt even want to have that

Someone who was forced to do all that couple shit that he wanted to do with you had that

And that bothered him

But there was nothing he could do about it

Their where many instances where he wanted to kiss you

Like one time yall where walking home and it started raining he told you. You where going to get sick but you didnt care you dance on the rain with that bright smile of yours that he loved.

But he controlled himself

But tonight he, he just couldn't take it anymore

You looked so beautiful the light of the moon and the stars or whatever reflected your skin making you look almost angelic..

You had one of those future talks again

And then you said you werent pretty and started spitting all this bullshit about how you where annoying and ugly and all of this shit and it pained him to see the person that he was IN love with was hurting

So he did the next best thing

He kissed you

Not me writing this I'm the middle of my English class 👍lol I felt the need to include what bakuhoe felt about Yn so...that's fun lol next chapter we will reveal if the kiss had tounge or not😤. Uh anyways luvs have a great and amazing day byeee

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