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He wanted to help me....I mean why would anyone want to help me there's nothing wrong with me

Me: thanks Bakubabe but I don't need your help

Bakugo: yeah yeah Yn I'll text you the details k wait WHAT DOD YOU CALL ME

Me: whatever now if you don't mind luv I need to cheer for our class or whatever the fuck dadyzawa wanted the girls to do

I got up and walked away cause I don't really need that shit of

Time skip

So that was over and now I needed to continue the torture of the sports festival....amazing 😃👍. Again I don't even remember who I was up against honestly didn't even care luvs  (a/n tots cuz I'm not lazy to describe all the rounds....tots not) but then just out of the blue I was in the semi to last round to see if I Fn Ln could go to the last round to win the sports festival which honestly seemed boring....but we don't talk about it haha well anyways I scanned the sheet and I was up against...Bakugo yeah I already give up um haha -I moments passed and in the blink of an eye I was already face to face with the ball of anger He came charging an explosion at me I dodged it cuz I don't want to die every time he made a explosion I either dodged or used my water to ya know up haha blow it out but every quirk has a disadvantage right all of a sudden I started feeling...sick


I didn't say anything I was tumbling and and then I started um throwing up...I, live much for looking hot

Me: this is ironic isn't it

He didn't say anything I threw up again Once I was done I didn't want to continue I mean why the fuck should I continue I don't even want to win I'm not going to put my health at risk for a silly match oh I'm going to get so grounded


I threw up the cameras where all over me I mean the daughter of top hero's just gave up wow -_- either way  after I spilled my guts some more I passed out

Time skip

Right after I woke up recovery girl made me take a shower and get into a new gym uniform then the stupid ass ceremony which was great Bakugo was QuAkInG like literally they had to tie him up because apparently todoroki didn't use his "full potential" honestly low key kinda stupid ....really exited for the conversation we'll have after this shit "WHY DID YOU GIVE UP DUMB ASS" and shit like that haha anyways before anyone can get their hands on me my parents did hurray🤜😃. They got me in our ~L I M O~ and drove off

(a/n so hi I'm going to be making your parents toxic as shit k...k I don't know if that's your parents in real life but in this story that's how shit is k um obvi idk your parents name so when they speak I will call them by their hero name adams ales is your father and puff fake is your mother )

Adams Ales: we are so disappointed in you Yn you are the 5th and 6th hero's daughter and you let some no body beat you no he didn't even beat you you gave up

Puff gale: he isn't even some nobody he got attacked and nearly killed by a slug a few months ago his parents are some fashion designer

I rolled my eyes

Me: you're saying it like it's a bad thing

Adams Ales: either way doesn't matter you gave up why cause you threw up a bit you could've just pushed him he was absolutely shocked I mean you could've won

Puff gale:you know maybe endeavors offer wasn't so bad after all I mean at this rate how do we expect her to become a pro

Endeavors what

Adams Ales: oh I know

Puff gale: also why are you always hoeing around Yn you're such an embarrassment

I put my headphones on and pressed play on my playlist wii tennis played and ofc I felt like a queen I mean how can you not I heard some muffled in the background also my phone was <blowing up> but I was sick of it all I wanted was to get home and cry cuz that's all I'm good at 👁👄👁👍 we finally arrived to me house which amazing I turned on my tv watched some anime cried about how kenma isn't real and he'll never love me cried about how I hate myself cried about all the homework I have cried about how my parents suck ass cried about how my parents don't care about my emotions cried about how I'm pretty sure I'm going to end up in a unhappy quirk marriage and just cried about me being alive after I finished all of that I took a bath and finally checked my phone and bakubabe texted me

Boom boom boy✌️:


also are you okay I mean you
threw up all over the floor I just wanna
If you're alright

Yn we are going to get yogurt tomorrow.
X👁👄👁: tomorrows Halloween tho and yes I'm okay and I wouldn't have been able to fight but what ever

I closed the chat and went to sleep I don't need this kind off S T R E S S

Hey um sorry for not updating it's just since this is about my amazing mental disorders I haven't really ya know had the motivation plus I have loads of hw anyways I'm going to be doing a Halloween special tomorrow for all my fanfics sooo don't worry bye luvs

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