Chapter 6: ~halloween special~

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I woke up to several notifications from people

Alien queen😛: hey girl heyyy you coming to denkis halloween party right

Pika⚡️: hey so like I'm having this party and like you coming or som haha

Kirisunshine🥰: can you please convince Baku bro to come tonight to the party

This stupid ass grape🤜🙄: hey mamas come to denkis halloween party with me

Spidey🥵: you want me to pick you up

Ah right halloween totally forgot that was something anyways I quickly responded yes to everyone other Mineta I blocked that bitch how the fuck did he even get my phone number -I Anyways I got dressed and stared myself in the mirror some more dissected my insecurities I got ready didn't even bother to eat breakfast and made it to U.A Mina literally tackled me to the ground


Mina: what are we going to be for Halloween

Me: I don't know I completely forgot about i

She got off me and I got up started walking

Mina: me and sero where thinking how about the mystery squad from Scooby-doo

Me: hm I don't know

Mina: aw come on I can be daphne you can be Velma Denki can be Scooby sero can be shaggy Bakugo can be the blond dude I don't know he's name either way he's IRRELEVANT and kiri can be the van since he drives us place

Me: I'm 100% sure that Bakugo will not want to do this Mina Plus I don't own anything that resembles Velma what so ever

Mina: right forgot about that

She stopped for a sec

Mina: you have fancy clothes right like dresses pearls all a list shit right

Me: yeah I have a couple of gala dresses


Me: why?

Mina: we can be sugar baby's

Me: what

Mina: like we can dress up and I mean REALLY DRESS UP and carry a bunch of money with us

Me: that sounds fuuuun

Mina: ooo great I'll tell the guys about it k byeeee

Me: byeee

I continued to walk to our class while Mina was searching fo T H E B O Y S I sat down in my desk waiting not long after Bakugo came in

Me: heyyy bakubabe


Me: anyways you're coming to denkis party right

Bakugo: no plus I told you we are going to get yogurt right

Me: that'll take like 30 min max plus it's Halloween and Mina got this amazing group costume idea

Bakugo: NO

Me: okay so the party's at 8 k

He stated muffling some insults I couldn't care les what they where then the bell rang daddyzawa came in and showed the class how many offers they we got I surprisingly had more offers than Bakugo hah but todoroki beat me or what Eva anyways Bakugo went on ranting and being his Bakugo self I was just there scanning who could've possibly want me picked me as I was looking I spotted endeavor why would he possibly want me either way my parents didn't pick me which hah offended

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