Chapter 44

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Authors POV

Melissa spent day and night in the hospital, going home when she wanted too, so she could pick up extra items for her daughter and lover.

A young nurse that finished insisted on staying with Chris and Abby as a kind gesture. Melissa didn't want to leave Abby and fiancé alone with a stranger, This nurse had been with them from the time they had been brought into the hospital.

"Miss Benoist, you look exhausted, you need some sleep, your pregnant." The young nurse smiled. "I will take a nap here" Melissa caved. "That's all I ask" Young nurse, Mary smiled. Melissa laid on the cot the hospitable provided for her. Closing her eyes, Melissa drifted off to sleep.

2 hours later, Melissa woke up well-rested. Abby or Chris had woken up, worrying Melissa. Sitting up, she looked at her daughter, taking a moment before she stood up to see her daughter.

"Miss Benoist, how are you feeling?" Chris and Abby's doctor asked.

"Much better, thank you," Melissa smiled. "How are they?"

"Abby is responding, so we are trying to wake her up slowly, I was just waiting till you woke up. I knew you wanted to be here when she wakes up." Doctor Simms smiled. "Thank you," Melissa smiled.

"You can sit down and take her hand" Doctor Simms smiled, testing her vitals, while talking to her, safely injecting her with a clear cold liquid, helping her wake up. Simms nodded, "speak to her" he encouraged Melissa.

"Abby, baby its mum. I brought your favourite book to read to you," Melissa smiled, taking her daughter's hand.

Doctor Simms nodded. "Abby, your such a brave girl, can you wake up for mummy?" Melissa questioned, looking at her daughter, then up at her doctor.

"It might take a while, I'll be back in half an hour to check if she wakes up just press the button, and we will come." Doctor Simms smiled.

"Um, what about Chris? Any improvements?" Melissa questioned.

"He will walk up on his own, if he hasn't woken up by tomorrow afternoon we will do the same like we are with Abby," Simms smiled at his patient's fiancé and mother.

"Thank you for your help," Melissa smiled. Simms nodded with a smiled leaving the room. "Doctor Simms, do you have any sports channels on the TV, Chris loves baseball," Melissa smiled.

"We can get you the sports channel, it will cost you though?" Simms explained.

"That's fine," Melissa replied.

"I will get one of our training nurses to get the extra channels set up for you."

A good 45 minutes later, a young male Trainee nurse came in with a box set. "Miss Benoist, you ordered a box set?" Trainee nurse Jax asked.

"Yes, thank you for helping set it up?" Melissa smiled.

"No worries, it won't take me long at all. Would you like a child's channel as well?" Jax questioned.

"That would be great. Thank you," A smiling Melissa watching Jax set up the TV. "Can you put in the ball game for him?" Melissa questioned. "Of course, I wouldn't mind the score myself," Jax chuckled.

Once Jax set the TV, he turned the baseball game on, looking up at the TV. "I can ask my supervisor if I can run through the game for him?" Jax asked.

"I think I can manage, If have any trouble looking for channels I will sure to ask for you Jax" Melissa smiled. Jax handed Melissa the remote before walking out of the room.

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