Chapter 32

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Chris's POV

While Ellie made her banner for Melissa, I headed off to the hospitable to bring her home.

I parked the near the main exit of the hospitable, so it would be easy for us to get out and head home.

I walk up to Melissa's ward, saying hello to the nurses, as one of her nurses walked to Mels room, "She had a good sleep last night, and I think she is ready to go home, she will need a wheelchair for a few weeks, she will also need occupational therapy and physical therapy, I also suggest she has therapy. I will recommend a physiatrist, to help her with the demons she is carrying" Her nurse explained, I nodded as we walked into the room.

"Hey Mel, how are you" I asked Mel kissing her on the forehead.

"Good, I am ready to go home" Melissa replied with a slight smile.

"Thats good, you mum and dad are already at home" I tell Mel taking her hand.

"So Melissa I was just talking to Chris, we will put you in a chair, we will have an occupation therapist and physical therapist," Her nurse explained. Continuing,

"We showed some of your notes to a physiatrist, they suggested to us you go see them so they can help you. We called your doctors office, and they wrote a recommendation letter for you, it is up to you if you want to go, we have organised and appointment in two weeks to give you time to weather you want to go, we will give you her number so you can call her, and if you don't feel like coming here, she homes visits" Melissa nurse explained.

Melissa nods, knowing I will make her go to these sessions to help her get over her fear of men.

We waited for Mel to have her IV taken out, a wheel chair brought up and her discharge papers along with all the information for all of her sessions, so we could leave.

Once that was all done and Melissa is sitting safely on her chair I wheel her out saying goodbye to all the nurses who kept her safe throughout the night.

"I am so glad I am out of there" Melissa exhaled as they exited the hospitable, I let out a soft chuckle.

"You will be happy to be in our bed and have real healthy food." I whispered.

"Oh yes, who's cooking?" Melissa asked.

"Our mums" I replied as I pushed her to the car. Once we reached the car, I put the bags in the car's trunk then helped Melissa in the front passenger's seat before placing the wheelchair in the trunk on top of bags and crutches.

We're all settled into the car as they headed home where Abby made her mum.

"Now you tell me if everything is getting too much, and I'll take you up to our room" I told Melissa with a smile, taking one hand off the wheel, taking one of her hands, giving it a squeeze. I saw a smile creep up on to my face.

"I can't wait to see my parents" Melissa spoke with a smile.

"It will be nice to sit down and get to know them" I tell Melissa.

"You will love them, plus you saved my life" Melissa explained.


We pulled up to the driveway; I parked the car, getting her wheel chair out so we could head inside.

I wheeled Melissa up the drive way pushing her up the step before opening the door.

"Were home" I yell out, with Abby calling out with 'Mummy'

"Hey honey, how are you?" Melissa speak happily to her daughter.

"Good, me and my Grammies made you something, come on" Abby spoke jumping up and down running back into the primary room of the house.

I wheeled Melissa into for her to see her parents and her siblings. "Did you get my sister to come?" Melissa asked me.

"I didn't know they were coming" I replied

"We thought it would be a nice surprise, if that's ok with you Mr Wood" Melissa's parents asked.

It is no problem, you kid can bunk with Abby and we have many spare rooms, all we need is extra food" I explained.

"Thats fine Chris, I went shopping and brought some food for all of us to last at least two weeks" My mother explained.

"Thank you, Mrs Wood" Melissa expressed her gratitude.

"No worries sweetie, now do you want to sit on the couch?" Mrs Wood asked.

"yes please, but we need to get the bags out of the car" Melissa explained.

"We will get them," Mr Benoist speaks, "I'll help" Mr Wood speaks out.

I walk out with our dads helping bring one bag in.

Mel's POV

My mum and Chris's mum helped me onto the couch. "Mummy me and my cousins made you this to feel better." Abby explained handing me a giant picture.

"Wow, thank you guys this will definitely help me get better, now how about joey and Nikki you tell me how you have been, I have seen you in a long time." I asked my niece's the told me what they have been up to since she last saw them last year.


Later night we sat on the couch, with Chris while our mums cooked dinner, as everyone else was talking and Chris was getting to know my sisters and their husbands I laid my head on his shoulders falling asleep.

"Babe, dinners ready, did you want to have it at the table or on the couch?" I hear Chris whisper.

"Where is everyone else eating?" I whisper.

"At the table, you can have it here" Chris asked me.

"I'll come to the table I just need a little help" I explain.

"Ok" Chris helped me up putting me in my wheelchair, wheeling me over to the table where my mum helped cut up my meal.

We fill our dinner conversations with childhood stories, it's a pity that Libby Chris's sister couldn't of come I would have love to meet her.

After dinner Chris took me upstairs while our mums cleaned up and my sister put all the kids to bed.

After Chris helped me in to be with my phone, "I will help put Abby to bed, do you need anything else?" Chris asked me, "Just for her to say good night to me" I reply smiling. "I will bring her in"

Chris brought her in, so I could say goodnight to our baby girl before I went off to sleep.


"Your going to pay for not letting me have this brat in my life, and your play boy Chris he's go it coming too"


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