Chapter 39

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OK! Let me explain..... I have been busy procrastinating, but I have also been trying to get ready to go back to work soon. Anyways. I wrote this chapter, and then an idea came to me, so I rewrote the chapter, and here I am..

I don't want to put any pressure on myself to write or update, so every now and then I may not; update because I just need a break :) hope you all understand that :)

Authors POV

4 months later

Over the last couple of months, everyone has been happy. Abby's making more friends at school and asked over for play dates along with Caymron, they have made a wonderful group of friends, where all the parents have become good friends too.

Chris and Edwards IDONTMIND campaign took off. He and Edward had been busy with contacting people to join in the movement from all walks of life.

Melissa's now not walking with a limp. However, the pressure of bearing twins made her leg more painful, so occasionally she uses a walking stick. Melissa popped a few weeks after their last appointment, which didn't help with the walking stick.

The two parents didn't want to find out the gender at the doctors, they didn't find out the gender/s. The pair wanted to have it revealed with a gender/s reveal party with the closest family and friends, which helped plan the party.

Grant, LA, Edward and sally, helped get it all organised, Melissa and Chris didn't have to lift a finger. Their job is to enjoy the party. Melissa and Chris told their friends they wanted to do something more interesting than a cake or balloons. Edward suggested that they do a photoshoot so they will have the baby shower photos to remember it by.

While Melissa and Chris stayed inside, away from the beautiful outdoor baby shower, outdoor setting, that their friends put together for them.

Abby, Caymron and their group of friends came along with her cousins. They played outside, on Abby's newest outdoor play equipment that Melissa and Chris got her. This is, so she wouldn't feel left out while they were becoming busier for the recent arrival of her siblings.

Grant, LA, Edward and Sally insisted that Melissa and Chris wore white for their gender reveal.

Melissa and Greeted, everyone at the front door, all thrilled that she had popped. The two parents had told no one that they were having twins, so it will be a surprise when they finally have the gender reveal.

Once everyone arrived LA and Sally walked the two parents out so their baby shower, decorated beautifully, with white sheets, blue and pink balloons, and a very colourful cake.

As soon as they came out Edward snapped photos, everyone cheered for the loved up couple.

Melissa and Chris stood in front of their family and friends. "Thank you all so much for coming to this event. One thing that we had told no one is that we are having twins" Melissa smiled, Chris wrapped his hand around her waist pulling her in close.

It shocked their families and friends, which Edward got on video. Their guest cheered, Melissa and Chris walked around to everyone, thanking them for coming.

Sally and LA started games, then came up with Melissa and their girls. One of the fun games is to catch the pacifier game, LA and sally described it as when a bride throws their flowers at the wedding, except it's a baby pacifier.

Their friends poured the coloured liquid into the squirt guns ready for the two parents, Walking hand in hand Melissa and Chris stood with Abby in front of a white sheet that LA and Sally set up.

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